SiriuS - Ascended Master's Dictations

Cycles of the Messages

The answers to some questions you are interested in

Sanat Kumara, March 13, 2008

Sanat Kumara

I AM Sanat Kumara, having come through my Messenger again. I have come to clarify some points for you regarding the apostleship and the relationships of our Messenger with other people and regarding her attitude toward different spiritual and religious leaders of the present and the past.[1]

Each Messenger has a certain mission. He or she comes into this world with this mission, and in some cases he or she has been preparing for this mission for many hundreds of years.

And now, when our representative comes into embodiment and starts doing his or her work, various things start happening at the same time regarding how the Teaching being given by us combines with what is given through others. Each Messenger knows only his or her mission. The task of the Messenger is not to give comments on the statements of other teachings that come into the physical world through other people.

Do understand that your world is the karmic world. This means that the truth and the light are mixed with some misconceptions in your world. Everything is relative in your world, and no one can dare say that one of our representatives of the present or the past has or had the entire fullness of the Divine Truth.

Do understand that the same Truth is given at different times for different groups of people who are in incarnation, and every time its interpretation is slightly different.

If you think that we must give comments on statements of the teaching that have been given through other people, you are mistaken simply because you need to live here and now and fulfill the mission that you have come into embodiment for instead of wasting time on endless arguments over who was right or wrong one hundred, two hundred, and more years ago.

You can study and compare the statements of various teachings of the past and present. But the truth is that you are to fulfill your Divine mission, and for this you must maintain the constant inner consonance with the Higher worlds.

As soon as you follow the path of gossip and appraisal, you lower your vibrations. You descend from the Divine level to the level of the carnal mind; and you can no longer see and distinguish the Divine Truth, because Truth is the state of your consciousness, the degree of your consonance with the Higher reality.

I also would like to touch upon the question concerning our Hierarchy and various posts that this or that Master known to you holds in our Hierarchy.

Yes, we have given a certain understanding of how our Hierarchy is organized. However, this understanding has been given for your level of consciousness at a certain stage of development. Do understand and try to realize that our world cannot exactly correspond to your world, and do not try to ascribe to our world the structure that exists in your world.

When trying to understand the structure of our world, never aim to get the full impression about our world. Those people who make their transition are in the caring hands of our assistants. Believe me; they have no thoughts of who holds what posts in the Hierarchy. They just revel in the Light emanating from us, and they are happy that they are in the place where they do not feel the lack of Love, attention, and care. They can see each life situation on Earth in a new way. You learn from your mistakes yourselves.

If the Ascended Masters in all their radiance will be forced to come into embodiment and live in those conditions that exist on Earth now, you will never believe these are the Ascended Masters before you. Therefore, the time for the Ascended Masters to come into embodiment on Earth has not come yet.

Still, many of us keep our presence in those individuals who have been our disciples for many hundreds and thousands of years.

Therefore, we cannot say that this or that individuality is fully or even partially present in any person, because the presence of the Teacher is a temporary phenomenon, and it is determined by the degree of purity in both the bodies of a disciple and the environment surrounding him.

When it is possible for us, we are present on Earth and can see the situation through the eyes of our disciples.

All Messiahs and Messengers had the presence of a higher individuality within themselves. During their missions both the degree of the presence and the individuality itself changed. That is why it is wrongful to speak about the embodiment of this or that Master known to you in the body of this or that person. You can only speak about an admixture of the higher individuality and about the extent of its presence.

The Masters, well-known to you, whose names you know and call, actually have sometimes absolutely different names, not the names that you know.

We can speak with you about the structure of our world for a long time, and you will seek to peek through the crack of the veil that separates our worlds, but you will be wasting your time in this case because you should focus on your current tasks and live in accordance with the ethical and moral precepts that we give to you.

I have been a little harsh today, and those of you who have been waiting for a concrete answer to your questions may not derive anything. However, I tried to talk to your Higher Self and give the exhortations that will allow you to keep correct guidelines in your life.

I AM Sanat Kumara. OM.

[1] Many people address to me a request to give my opinion about this or that spiritual teacher or a preceptor, or to ask the Masters to comment on that. However, the Masters do not encourage me when I ask to give their opinion and information regarding this or that spiritual leader. They say that my mission is to deliver the Teaching that They give through me, as clearly as possible. Yet today, when I have meditated and have addressed to my Teacher, Sanat Kumara, these questions, He has unexpectedly given the Message that we publish now. (A note of T. N. Mickushina.)

© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina

Dictations of Sanat Kumara in the book "SANAT KUMARA"

This book contains selected Messages from Sanat Kumara, a Great Divine Being. Many Teachings are given in the Messages, including the Teachings about the following: - True and false messengers - Communities of the Holy Spirit - Responsibility for the fulfillment of the duties which one has taken on before incarnation - Proper use of the money energy - One's choice between the Eternal world and the temporary world - Overcoming the ego - The Path of Initiations and much more...

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Tatyana Mickushina
Omsk, Russia