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![]() Do not miss your chance, and try to stay in the corridor of the evolutionary opportunityBeloved Zarathustra I AM Zarathustra, who has come again! I have come, as always, in order to give you instruction in accordance with the needs of the current day. Your request to receive this Knowledge must be fulfilled to the degree that the Law allows. It may seem to you that you know everything, and that you know how to do everything, and that you have perceived everything in this world. Let me tell you that in this case you are simply driven by common human pride. That is because it is impossible to perceive the Laws of this Universe when you are at your human level in the development of your consciousness. Only when you give up this human pride of yours will true Knowledge be able to enter your temple. Only by using the empty space that has become available in your vessel, can you finally be filled with true Knowledge. Until then, you fill your vessel with everything that is not only worthless but also extremely harmful for you. That is because the all-acceptance that exists on the planet now has never existed before for millions of years. Many manifestations had always been banned, and that ban was implemented at the religious or governmental levels. Now is a different time. You gain the ability to access a lot of things that are not beneficial to you but are no longer banned. Only your consciousness can serve as the censor that can prohibit you from doing and reading certain things. That is why we come in order to give you an opportunity to understand what is not beneficial for your consciousness and what is necessary for your future development. Yet, you make the choice; you choose by yourselves. The choice that you make these days literally determines your future; it determines the course of your individual development and the course of the evolution that is taking place on Earth. You do not get any bans, but the moral law that exists inside of you should determine by itself what is and what is not beneficial to you. The gift of distinction that is now taking the center stage is as essential to you as air and food. You need to learn how to make the distinction. This life of yours is the key life in the course of the evolution of your soul. That is because your choices in this life determine the future course of the evolution of your soul. You either go forward at a fast pace, or you will have to tag along at the back of the evolution. I will not be surprised if one of the lives of your upcoming incarnations resembles the life of a savage somewhere in New Guinea, because the preferences that you have made in this life are not any more advanced than the level of development of the Papuans. You will continue your dead-end branch of the evolution sitting by a fire and devouring your portion of meat. God is so merciful that He will grant your wishes to do nothing but eat, sleep, and copulate. Such degradation has always taken place on the planet. Those tribes of people whom you consider undeveloped made their final choices sometime in the past when the time had come for such a choice. The further evolutionary path has closed for them. They work off the karma of the physical and other lower bodies, and then their evolution is over, and the cosmic garbage collectors remove them from the stage of the evolutionary path of development. According to all cosmic terms, now you are to make your own choice. Many souls have accumulated on planet Earth, and not all of them are suitable for further evolution. For some, the question of choice is not so acute, and they can still continue to live comfortably and make their efforts to develop their higher consciousness. For others, all the cosmic terms have passed, and this incarnation is the key that will determine the course of further individual evolution of the soul. I do not want to frighten you, but it seems rational to us that it is better if you are able to treat the choices awaiting you more consciously and understand the future threats if your choices do not fit the within the frames of the available cosmic opportunity. That is why we are being so honest. I am glad that the time has come when we are able to tell you about our concerns so directly. If you do not think that it is necessary to listen to us, then that is your choice, and you are making it consciously by using the Law of free will that applies to you. That Law has its time frames. While the other Laws are effective until the end of the manifested Universe, the Law of the free will stops its manifestation when your development does not fit the frames of the cosmic opportunity that had been formed by that Law ahead of time. That is why we warn you. There is time, but it is very short, and for many, the period of choice ends with this incarnation. Do not miss your chance, and try to stay in the corridor of the evolutionary opportunity. You have to agree that if a person does not want to study at a school or university, after some time the parents stop their efforts to make their child study and leave him or her on their own. In the same way, we, while obliging you to grow and follow the Law, will sooner or later give up our efforts and leave you on your own to reap the fruits of your choices in one of the Papuan tribes. Treat the choices that you make day after day consciously. As you advance, your choices become less and less univocal and obvious, the illusion around you gets thinner, and you are required to develop the Divine qualities and abilities to see the subtle world in order not to get lost. In order to leave the borders of the illusionary world, you need to rise in your consciousness to a new turn of evolution. We call you and tirelessly come to make an effort again and again to explain to you the basic knowledge of the Laws of this universe. Yet, many of you wave us away and continue to read and reread ecstatically the literature that puts your Divine opportunities to sleep and gives food only for the revelry of the illusion in your four lower bodies. You are given physical vision, but you are also given spiritual vision. Why are you not using your gift? Until then, will you be falling under the influence of various villains who have become skilled in fogging your brain and forcing you to make one wrong choice after another? The whole distinction, the entire mechanism of distinction, is hidden inside of you, in your hearts. You all are created after the image and likeness of God. Why do you constantly forget about it and search for support in the physical world in order not to fall? You do not need any support in the form of clairvoyants, psychics, or fortunetellers. You simply need to use the mechanism of distinction that exists inside you. Your Higher Self has been waiting for hundreds and thousands of years for you to finally pay attention to it and listen to the advice that it wishes to give you in the stillness of your heart. No, you are constantly occupying your attention with outer fuss, only to avoid being alone with yourself and listening to your heart. I was harsh today. I wanted to give you the whole eagerness of my heart and all of my flame in order to warm up your hearts and pull them out of the coldness of ignorance and darkness in which many of you continue to reside. I have fulfilled what I had come for. I feel secure that now you can no longer say that you did not know anything and you have not been warned about anything. I AM Zarathustra, with Love to you because only my Love has prompted me to have this talk. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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