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![]() It depends solely on you yourselves whether you will be able to provide your Higher Self with auspicious conditions for a conversationBeloved Hilarion I AM Master Hilarion, who has come to you with instructions for inner work. That is because the instructions that you receive from us are meant to be thought over in the stillness of your heart. We act through your consciousness; we try to expand your consciousness and get across to it the Truths that have unquestionably testified themselves for centuries. Those Truths you can test inside your heart. Listen to your heart. Find the moment of stillness when you are calm and everything within you is in a perfect, harmonious state. Such moments are very rare, but those moments happen in the life of every person. God grants you those moments of inner silence so that you can consciously strive to repeat those states when everything within you is at peace and balanced. It is at such moments that it is the easiest for you to hear the voice of your Higher Self, the quiet inner voice in the stillness of your heart. Sometimes you cannot even differentiate that voice from the inner speculations that your mind produces, but you need to try to make the differentiation. That voice is notable for being exceptionally respectful to you; it is very gentle and is characterized by simplicity, unpretentiousness, sincerity, and love. You cannot but feel the difference from your daily monologues that you carry on inside. You need to listen carefully. That is the voice of your Higher Self. It is not so often that you get to hear that voice. However, if you expect to hear that voice in your external consciousness, you can always make the distinction and differentiate that tender voice from the hundreds and thousands of other voices that belong to the astral plane. You need to learn how to orient yourselves in your inner space. You need to strive for inner stillness and peace because in the bustle in which you live, you will not be able to hear your Higher Self. It is indispensable for you to hear your Higher Self because you will not find the advice and knowledge that you receive from within in any encyclopedia or book or in any television program. I will give you an instruction that will help you to listen to your inner voice. That instruction concerns the changing of your lifestyle. You need to seclude yourself in order to hear your Higher Self. It simply cannot come close to you when you are too concerned about everything that surrounds you in the physical world. Imagine a child who has come into your world, who has just been born. Everything is stressful for that infant; everything that surrounds you in your life and that you are used to, is perceived by the infant as daunting and unseen. The noises from cars, the sounds of rough music — any sounds of your world — are unusual for the soul who has just come into your world, and they require certain adaptation. Your Higher Self is similar to a child who comes into your world through you. The surroundings in which you live are sometimes so awful that your Higher Self instantly leaves your world only to wait decades for a favorable opportunity to come to your inner space again for a conversation. Therefore, it depends solely on you yourselves whether you will be able to provide your Higher Self with auspicious conditions for the conversation. This physical world is so different from the Divine world that it is either difficult or impossible, not only for your Higher Self but also for all Ascended Beings that reside in more subtle planes, to stay in your world. Therefore, you need to create the conditions in your world so that we can come visit you together with your Higher Self and talk to you. It is fairly clear that you will not be able to change all circumstances of your life instantly and move to a quiet, secluded place, leaving your established job and family. No, you are not required to do that, but you need to strive for the proper behavior models, for the quiet, charming music, for the gentle rustling of the grass, for the prattling of the birds and gentle babbling of the water. When the proper models of music, films, paintings, and everything that surrounds you fill your consciousness and your closest company, then you will be able to gradually overcome the negative effects of your world and transition into another, more subtle world. Your transition into the subtle world will be assured when you are able to assure the presence of the subtle world in your inner space and in your outer space. Then the angels and elementals will be able to come visit you, and you will be able to see them with your regular human eyes. Everything is in your power, and everything can be achieved through the change of your consciousness gradually, step by step. Yet, all the steps that you take should be made in the right direction. That is what constitutes the difficulty because the majority of you forget on the following day about all your good intentions and plans that you have made in your head while reading the Dictations of the Masters. Therefore, the constancy of your aspirations must be developed in the first place. Do not allow your carnal mind to distract you, and do not give in to its arguments that you still have enough time ahead of you and that you can allow yourselves small innocent weaknesses that you are so used to. Feel the border of the subtle world and remove from your consciousness everything that prevents you from crossing that border. Remove from your consciousness all wrong models and manifestations, everything that makes you deepen into materiality and get attached to it. Proper mindset is essential. Nobody besides you will be able to overcome your imperfections and your attachments. The help of the Heavens will come at once, but you yourselves must realize your imperfections and wish to get rid of them. Sometimes a very small attachment requires many daily efforts in order for you to be able to part with it. In return, if your aspiration is firm, every following attachment of yours will require less and less time and effort to get rid of it. Retain proper orienting points in your consciousness. When your life knocks you out of the state of peace and balance, you should have tokens of your past achievements, such as photographs, films, or diary notes in which you have recorded your elevated states of consciousness. For each of you there will be your own token or symbol that will remind you of the subtle world, such as a picture or image of the Master who is close to you. Do not neglect anything in order to elevate your vibrations again and return to the state of harmony and unity with the subtle world. The higher the vibrations of your bodies, the higher the layers of the subtle world you will gain access to in your consciousness. You transition into the subtle world inside your consciousness by changing the vibrations of your body by yourselves. Your task is to gain understanding about the difference in vibrations and strive for the more elevated vibrations. Do everything that allows you to remain in the state of high vibrations as long as possible. For some people it is music; for others prayers; yet for others meditations. Use the whole array of means that are available to you in order to constantly retain yourselves in the high state of consciousness, away from the dark thoughts and feelings. Then you will be able to observe how everything in your life begins to change — your environment, your work. You will have to get used to the fact that everything around you will change together with the change in your vibrations. Your environment and what will not be able to adapt to your vibrations will leave your life, or you yourselves will leave everything that restrains your spiritual growth. You need to be able to differentiate very well between the caprices of your ego and the aspiration toward the more subtle and sublime world that is inherent in you. You need to distinguish very finely all the karmic moments that you still have not overcome and that make you — force you — to stay in the conditions that are uncomfortable for you. Nothing can be done here; everything that we have created ourselves needs to be worked off, even if it is very difficult and unpleasant for us. However, all those subtle moments of differentiation are under the full control of your Higher Self. You will always be able to receive all the necessary consultations from your Higher Self. I have told you a lot today — all that is essential for you. That is because the further the development of mankind goes, the more and more subtle edges of illusion you encounter. You need to be ready to make your choices under any inner and outer circumstances. I wish you to make only right choices! I AM Hilarion. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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