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![]() A Teaching about the Path of DiscipleshipBeloved Lanello I AM Lanello, who has come to you again on this day. I have come to speak with you about the essential. Our talks become more and more business-like every time because your consciousness becomes capable of embracing more and more of the Divine Truth. That is why the complexity of the Dictations is increasing. It is not even the complexity of how the material is given, but the complexity of the subjects that are being discussed. That is because the scope of subjects touched upon is widening, and you are able to perceive in your consciousness a wider range of subjects and go beyond the concepts that you are familiar with. That is why each time we give the material already known to you in a slightly different manner or we try to include elements of new concepts that you did not come in contact with before. All topics discussed concern each person living now. However, there is a subject of especially vital importance. That subject concerns your relationship with God and with the Ascended Masters. There are a great number of religious systems and various religious trends. It is becoming more and more difficult to make sense of all these trends. As soon as people experience the need for certain knowledge or as soon as a scientific discovery is made, the opposing forces instantly use all their skills and resources to entrap the consciousness of people into the net of false concepts, false ideas, and false dogmas and rules. It is exactly what you are seeing now in the area of various religious systems and beliefs. Besides the faiths known from the past, numerous new faiths emerge. Many people who have gained some understanding about God and the Ascended Masters, are striving to declare themselves to be new gurus and take control over the flock that hangs on every word of theirs. This is becoming a sad manifestation of your time. People do not realize the whole karmic responsibility when they come under the influence of such gurus. They do not realize that all the imperfect vibrations and manifestations during group meetings and prayer practices flow from the aura of such a master into their own auras. These imperfections add to their own imperfections, and instead of getting free from the load of karma, they acquire all of the imperfections of their gurus into their electronic belt. It is especially sad when people go from one group to the next, like tumbleweeds blown by gusts of wind. This is becoming the scourge of our time. All we can do in such a situation is to warn you that this scourge exists, and it is dangerous because all of your choices impose karmic responsibility on you, karma that you have to work off in the future. Now I would like to give you an idea about how you should behave in the sea of different currents that surround you. You must ask yourself what is driving you when you try to join one or another spiritual group because the purity of your motive determines the level of vibrations of a group or a religious leader that you will be attracted to. Have you ever thought that, in fact, the circumstances surrounding you simply help offer you for your choice exactly that which is lying deeply in your consciousness and subconsciousness? If you are striving to acquire different magic techniques to gain control over the circumstances of your life or the circumstances of the lives of people surrounding you, then you will automatically and inevitably become attracted to the group that is practicing black magic and you will burden yourself not only with the circumstances of that choice, but also share the karma of the leader and the members of that group. The time has come for you to treat everything that happens in your life and all your choices consciously. That is because sometimes one choice of yours determines your entire future path not only in this life but also in the course of future incarnations. Having once committed yourself to a group that is practicing black magic, you automatically gain all the karma that has been acquired by that group into your electronic belt. Treat everything with consciousness. First and foremost, treat consciously the analysis of your inner state and your motive that is driving you. Here are the true motives, which are inherent in our disciples: · Our disciples strive to give up all their imperfections and all their attachments to the things of this world in order to render all possible help to all living beings of planet Earth who need this help. · They aspire to purify themselves and all their lower bodies in order to fulfill their service in a more productive way. · Our disciples aspire to establish the connection with God, residing within; our disciples honor the Hierarchy of Light and consciously stand on the steps of the Hierarchy. · And no circumstances of the external world can make them lose the Path when they themselves hear the answers of their Higher Self and consult their Higher Self in all difficult life situations. Now I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that many of our disciples, having acquired a lot of knowledge and skills, still leave the path in order to chase after prestige, fame, and money, which is very sorrowful. That is because for those of our chelas who already stood on the Path and served us with devotion, the withdrawal from the Path is equivalent to the most serious crime — treachery. There is only one way to work off that treachery — to be incarnated in an even more complicated karmic situation, where it is even more difficult to come on to the Path. You can always return to the Path of Initiations, but sometimes several very difficult incarnations are necessary for that, and only then you will be allowed to return to the consciousness service to the Brotherhood. I am not striving to scare you. I am giving you the Teaching that you need now. This Teaching is very important at this stage. That is because it is too often that we see how our disciples, who get inspired and receive an opportunity to serve us, the Ascended Masters, use some absolutely insignificant excuse to stop their service and step away from the Path to chase after the mirages of the physical world. We regret to admit that the percentage of our disciples who we lose on the Path is too high. Therefore, if you have found this Teaching and have accepted with all your heart the Dictations coming through our Messenger, please double the surveillance of your motives. Take under control all your thoughts that distract you from the Path. Drive away all insidious whisperers who are instilling doubts in you about your chosen Path and making you go after more and more new intellectual toys. To find this Path, which you have earned in your past incarnations, is a great honor for you. Therefore, safeguard what you have acquired and strive to multiply it with your Service to the Brotherhood. During my incarnation in America as Mark Prophet, I had a chance to encounter many cases of treachery and stepping away from the Path. And I recommend that you treat everything that is said in the Dictations, given by us through this Messenger, more consciously. Believe me, not a single word that we say is odd. Everything that we say is meant for you to think over many times in the stillness of your heart. I was glad to meet with you today. I will be glad if we have a chance to meet with you in the future. I AM Lanello. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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