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![]() Only the ignorance and limitations of your consciousness separate you from accepting in your consciousness your unity with every particle of lifeLord Maitreya I AM Maitreya, who has come to you again on this day through my Messenger Tatyana. I have come in order to remind you that each of you is an inimitable and unique particle of God. In accordance with God’s plans, you need to progress — that is, follow the Path of evolutionary development in the way that God had planned it at the beginning of this universe. It seems to you that you are independent and autonomous, that you are absolutely isolated creatures without any connection with each other or with anyone in this Universe. At the level of your consciousness, this belief is almost undeniable. That is because all around you, you see uncontestable proof of this belief, of this viewpoint, of this understanding of the world. Many times you have been given the example that only several centuries ago you thought that Earth was not round and that it did not spin around the sun. Those perspectives and beliefs that you have now will be subject to further change, and in fact, a drastic change. You have mastered your physical world. And because you have mastered your world, you should advance further in your consciousness toward cognizing other worlds, the more subtle ones. And you should feel more and more the connection that exists between you and me, between you and the Ascended Masters, and even between you and each other. No matter how much it seems to you that you are separated and self-sufficient, with time you will have to feel your unity not only with the One and indivisible Creator of this Universe but also your unity with each of you, your oneness with each other. Since I have come to you on this day, I would like to use every moment of our meeting productively. Therefore, I am moving on to the main point for which I have come. You know that your planet is not the only planet in the universe. There are other worlds and other star systems. You are not alone in space. Your interactions and your contacts with other cosmic beings, which happen from time to time, cause you to experience different feelings: from fear to curiosity. However, your interaction with other beings that live in the Universe will continue during the process of your development. Everything will depend on your inner state of consciousness. If you continue to insist on your imperfections, you will attract to your planet representatives of similar technocratic civilizations that are focused solely on themselves. Yet, if you try to change yourselves and to concentrate on developing Divine qualities in yourselves, then very soon you will be able to communicate with angels, elementals, and representatives of the worlds that follow the Divine Path of development. That is why we continue to provide more and more reasons in order to convince you that you need to start working closely on your consciousness. The entire Teaching that we give is inseparably connected by only one thing: the changing of your consciousness, the expansion of your consciousness. We do everything we can so that you are able to go beyond the limitations that are inherent in you — the limitations of religious character, of your nation’s culture and interests. Everything that is directed toward convergence, toward integration, and toward the Common Good is beneficial; everything that is directed toward separation is subject to oblivion. However, the unity that we talk about is only possible when you unite with each other based on common principles. It is impossible to unite when everyone defends only his or her own point of view, and does not want to see the other person’s perspective. However, there is a common point of contact, a common position that allows unity when one takes it. That position implies giving up one’s ego. The path of giving up one’s ego is what we teach you. Your detachment is strong within you only as long as each of you defends your own point of view to the disadvantage of another person. And only when you are able to give up within yourselves that what prevents you from seeing the other person’s point of view objectively, only then can you move along the path toward unity and agreement. Much is said about unity, but little changes. That is because everyone who talks about unity expects that everybody should listen to his or her point of view and share it. However, all you need to do is rise up in your consciousness to the level where all contradictions are alleviated and invisible. This is the task that we want each of you to resolve in your consciousness. Try to analyze what separates you from the representatives of different spiritual lineages, and you will understand that the only thing that separates you is your ego, your ignorance. As always, we offer you the path, which by following you will be able to get rid of your imperfections and reach the cherished unity. In fact, only the ignorance and limitations of your consciousness separate you from accepting in your consciousness your unity with every particle of life. In the near future, you have to take steps and make efforts directed at overcoming the inner limitations that separate you from each other. Note that I am not saying that you should convince anyone that his or her teaching is false and that yours is the true one. I am saying that you should remove the barriers and limitations within your own consciousness that do not allow you to accept other teachings. Think this over: All the founders of all the religions of the world taught the same Truth at different times and in different languages. And if you consider yourselves educated, intelligent representatives of mankind, direct your efforts at finding that common thing that lies as the basis of all religions. Do not pay attention to what is different. Concentrate your attention on the common principles and approaches, and you will see the unity of all religions and all moral teachings that have ever been received by humanity from pure sources. That unification of all religions and the creation of a new religion that encompasses all world religions will happen when you, in your consciousness, become able to respect and accept the viewpoint of another person instead of blindly insisting on your point of view and defending it even with weapons in your arms. All this should be left in the past. There is no place for any and all animosity in the New World. The animosity will leave your world as your consciousness changes and grows. All the problems of your world are only in your head, inside you. All the Divine perfection is also inside you. You should make it a habit to go within, to your Higher Self when making decisions on all main questions of your life. The connection with the Higher Self and the liberation from the ego are the main foundation stones of the Teaching that we give. Now I would like to part with you. Until we meet again! I AM Maitreya! © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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