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![]() Let your consciousness go beyond the limits of your family, your city, and your country and take the whole Earth as your native homeLord Maitreya I AM Maitreya, having come to you again. Today I have come on behalf of the Karmic Board in order to tell you the joyful news connected with the transformation that has occurred on the planet these days. Many of you, who are used to reading our Messages and who serve us faithfully and try to spread these Messages all over the world as widely as possible, your efforts were not in vain. Your efforts have been noticed by the Karmic Board. You know that the sessions of the Karmic Board are held twice a year during the periods of summer and winter solstices. But you should also be informed of the sessions of the Karmic Board that are held constantly and between those major sessions. Today I have to tell you that there has been a session this night at which our Messenger has been present. It is the first time in the history of humankind that at this session the question has been raised concerning the possibility of giving the right to those of you who have taken immediate and active part in the activity related to spreading our Messages and to translating them into other languages of the world, to be present at the next session of the Karmic Board in the finer bodies. You will have an opportunity to take part in the planning of your personal karma descending. You will be able to regulate your karma descending, slowing it down or accelerating it for your life-streams, according to your wish and within the limits of the existing karmic opportunities. That will help you in your further lives, for the Law of Karma is an impersonal Law, and karma descending does not depend on your willingness or unwillingness. However, the good karma or energy that has been accumulated by you during the spreading of our Messages can be used to regulate the process of your karma descending and even to reduce the karmic burden.You should not disregard that opportunity, because that oppor‧tu‧nity will allow some individuals from non-ascended humankind to cooperate with the Karmic Board for the first time.It is the first time that this opportunity has been granted; and that means that we try to spread these Teachings as widely as possible, and we even make some allowances to make this process more successful and faster. It is possible that you will not remember in your consciousness about the events that will take place at night during your visit to the Karmic Board session. However, many of you will perceive the traces of the night events in your outer awake consciousness and will get a perfectly clear understanding of the changes that will take place in your lives in the nearest future. I am glad to give you that important off-schedule information. And I am even happier that I have a chance to give that Dictation during our Messenger’s stay in the city of Novosibirsk. Some people call this city the capital of Siberia.And it may be true. Still, it is important that we are giving this Dictation in Novosibirsk, and thus we have a chance to fix and enhance our presence in this city. In fact, the receiving of our Messages is always accompanied with a huge flow of Light to the physical plane and to the finer planes that are close to the physical plane according to the vibrations. So every reception of the Dictations at a new place brings its blessings to the country and the city where this reception takes place. So, I congratulate you, and I honestly hope that you will spend all the Light and all the energy received by you on the Divine purposes. Now I would like to give you the other joyful news. According to this news, the world is ready for more rapid changes at the moment. And those changes that are connected with the changes of your consciousness are so fast, as never before. However, there is a certain skew of energies. The regions of the world where our Messages, given through our Messenger, are read get very much Light, and people’s consciousness changes very rapidly. At the same time there are other regions in the world that do not have an opportunity to get and read our Messages. The imbalance of energies in those regions results in different natural disasters and cataclysms. It is a great pity that America is one of those regions. That country, on which the Masters set their great hopes, lost our focus of Light. And now it is forced to receive the Light from the other country. I clearly understand that it is a very hard step for the proud Americans to accept the Teaching coming from Russia. However, it is exactly this way: By accepting this Teaching coming from Russia that America can restore the energy balance and thus avoid many natural disasters as well as economic failures. Therefore, I ask you to help spread this Message of mine in the land of America as well as other Messages we are giving through our Messenger. The geographical locations themselves, of America and Russia, being on opposite sides of the globe, will promote alignment of the situation on the planet as possible changes in consciousness, occur equally in the people of these countries. I appeal to the daughters and the sons of America through the Russian Messenger. And I am asking you to overcome those qualities of yours that impede your perception of the information coming from the other country. I honestly hope that there are those among the American people who will respond to my call and will be able to overcome those negative character traits that make Americans feel that they are the only people on whom the future of planet Earth depends. In fact, it is so. You are those people on whom the future of planet Earth depends. And you do not need to announce your ambitions and the priority of your nation and of your country in order to make that future the most favorable. On the contrary, all that you need is to develop the quality of humility and to be on one level with all people inhabiting planet Earth. There is not any most important country on the planet. But there are people who let themselves overcome their own limitations and raise their consciousness to a decent level: the level of god-man, whom all of you should inevitably become. Therefore, all that you need is not to consider other peoples’ standing on the steps of evolution lower than you. No, every nation is a brother or a sister in the Divine family of nations living on Earth. And the earlier you realize your oneness and unite, despite the difference of your inner world and appearance, the faster the desirable changes will occur on Earth. I am asking you to consider my words thoroughly and finally, let your consciousness go beyond the limits of your family, your city, and your country and take the whole Earth as your native home. I AM Maitreya, and I am sending you my Love. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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