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![]() You must win your Victory!Lord Shiva I AM Shiva! Today, exactly on this day scheduled by Us, I have come to give you an important Message. Not because it is necessary for Us, but because it is necessary for you, who are in embodiment and sometimes completely do not understand what is happening. Indeed, the situation is getting more alarming. The karma is being condensed and is descending. It becomes more difficult to understand what is happening. We knew this, beloved. And We had warned you in advance. We have told you many times that the vibrations of the physical plane are rising. When the vibrations of the physical plane are rising, karma descends more intensely. Recall the situation when you go outside with an old feather bed. It seems quite clean. However, when you begin to knock it with a special stick, clouds of dust come out from the feather bed. That's exactly the same process that occurs when we increase the vibrations of the physical plane. Everything that peacefully rested in your sub-consciousness — all your karmic deposits from thousands of past incarnations — begin to awaken and manifest on the physical plane. This is a natural process. The cosmic times have come and it is time to work off the karma of the past. Now, it is exactly the time to work off the karma of the past because only perfect energies should be manifested in the new cosmic cycle. We have told you about the deadlines and about the time. The time has come. We have talked about the fact that the best representatives of mankind are in embodiment. We have talked about your role and responsibility. Only the trained souls, specially prepared for this mission, are able to maintain the balance of energies. There are ways to maintain the balance. During the past 12 years, many dispensations or Divine Mercies have been given through this Messenger that allowed the balance of the descending karma with the help of prayers, prayer Vigils, and right actions on the physical plane. Dozens of dispensations have been given to make your karmic burden as easy as possible. And none of the dispensations were used. Beloved, We extend a helping hand to you. But We cannot accept the help of Heaven for you. The Teaching is being given in the darkest time on the planet, so that the lightest souls can use it and alleviate the karmic burden of many people. However, it is impossible to act on the physical plane instead of you. It is impossible to pray instead of you. I have the right to say unpleasant things to your ears because I personally gave several dispensations through this Messenger. And ... none of the dispensations have been used by you. The last example is the dispensation of the 33-day Prayer Vigil that was held at My request this autumn. We chose an important historical moment and important astrological time. A huge amount of energy, intended to transmute the karma of centuries-old deposits, was allocated by the Karmic Board. These are: the karma of the First World War, the revolutions in Russia, and the 100-year time period of atheism in Russia and in the whole world. Dozens of the most developed countries were involved in this tangle of karma. The participation of only 1,200 people from Russia during these 33 days was required to open the Heavenly floodgates and then the lion's share of 100-year-old karma would be transmuted. It was a grand dispensation that allowed easing the karmic burden by a thousand fold. Much to our regret, only half of those light-bearers whom we expected participated in the Vigil. The rest people abstained for various reasons: laziness, dogmas that a person could not get rid of, or lack of desire and time. You probably just do not understand what an abyss you are standing in front of. And you will agree that We did our best to protect you from the worst. The only thing We cannot do is to disregard your free will. If you want to jump into the abyss by your free will, We cannot prevent you from doing it. This is your choice and your responsibility. This is the harvest time, when only the best souls will be able to continue to advance along the evolutionary path. And you make the choice yourself. This is your choice and your responsibility. And the battle between light and darkness is within each of you. Sufficient criteria have been given and the necessity for discernment has been highlighted. When disciples prepare for life, they are given knowledge and training. Then comes the moment of the exam. And each student demonstrates what he has learned. And this knowledge helps throughout life. If the students are negligent and do not want to learn, they have no opportunity to make a distinction and understand the direction of their movement. These souls are doomed to rush into the darkness and then seek a way out. All knowledge was given. All milestones are marked. For example, it was said that the Teaching must be certainly maintained in practice and enforced because this is the Teaching necessary for Life. We told you about the necessity to act, and We also said that it is necessary to act with right motive. Otherwise, all your actions create additional karma. You cannot say that We left you at this most difficult time and did not give you all possible assistance. Everything has been given, openly and frankly, in the largest amount available at this stage. Now the time has changed. The karma has condensed to such an extent that you cannot hear Us. The most difficult part of the path has come — the time of a solo flight for each soul. Only the strongest and brave, selfless and devoted souls will be able to prove their right to continue the evolution. We are moving away because it makes no sense to show something when people do not see it. And it makes no sense to say something when people cannot hear it. And there is no point in giving dispensations that are not used. I wish you to find strength in yourselves and to withstand all the trials ahead. Remember all Our advice. You will be saved by Faith and Love. Darkness has no power. It feeds on your energy. Is it worth it to feed imperfection? You must win your Victory! I wish you to win! I AM Shiva! Always Victory! © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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