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![]() Change yourself, do aspire, and you will be blessed with the golden robe of Buddha and the treasure of the Divine Wisdom.Gautama Buddha I AM Gautama Buddha. I have come again. I have come from distant worlds. And I would like to grant you a bit of my presence. Imagine that we are together now and have just arrived from the Great Central Sun. Distances do not matter in the spiritual world. You travel vast distances in space and time, and for this you do not need any of your devices, machines, or airplanes. The whole mechanism of travelling to distant worlds is hidden within your own being. And those of you who are diligent and purposeful can leave your physical bodies and travel with me throughout the whole Universe. To do this, you need a certain level of spiritual attainments, and all of you can reach this level. I will reveal to you a secret of how you can achieve this within one incarnation. This will be the Path that I have been teaching during my incarnation as Gautama Buddha. First of all you are to choose the direction of your advancement. Until you clearly decide in which direction you will move, you cannot reach anything. Like a tall ship your being must put the wind of the Universal Law in its sails. Finally, once and for all, you must make a decision and be firmly convinced in the decision that the main thing for you is the Highest Law of this Universe; the other possible name of this Law is God. And if you are honest with yourself, if you have sincerely accepted the priority of the Highest Law of this Universe in your life, then the next step and all of your subsequent steps will be taken in the right direction. You must decide who will be the chief in your life: you or God. As long as you are asking God to satisfy your desires, while you are asking God to do this thing or that thing for you, you are not progressing along the spiritual Path. You must make the decision within your being and submit your whole life without reserve to God and to satisfying His needs and requirements. No matter how you try to fulfill this condition, you will not be able to do it at once or immediately. Millions of years of evolution on planet Earth in the dense physical world have created an impenetrable veil between your physical world and the world of the Divine. Therefore, a certain amount of time and effort is needed in order to surmount the illusory creation in your consciousness. A certain amount of time is needed to go beyond the boundaries of the physical world and to aspire to distant worlds. But, if you only take one little step in the right direction and maintain your aspiration and devotion to the Cosmic Law for a certain time (usually it takes more than one incarnation and at least seven earthly incarnations), then you will reach the Higher worlds as inevitably as you reach the peak of Chomolungma if you steadily move toward it and apply all your efforts for this. Your world is predestined exactly in order for you to overcome the resistance of the illusory world and thereby acquire the merits necessary for living in the Higher worlds. Therefore, we come time after time and give our Teaching in order for you to keep the guidelines and remember the Divine world. It does not matter how many times you will turn away from your Path. It does not matter how many times you will fall. What matters is that you always return to us, that you rise and move further. Sometimes a person is wandering about the physical world during many incarnations. He finds our Teaching, but then the illusion attracts him and he finds other teachings that seem for him as right and true as ours. At times it takes dozens of incarnations for the man to gain the degree of distinction that will allow him to accurately determine what is true and what is false. For those of you who have not developed an adequate degree of distinction within yourselves yet, we send our Messengers, who can keep the direction of the advancement and show the Path for the lost souls. According to your attitude toward our Messengers, we can determine the degree of readiness of your soul. Sometimes it takes dozens of incarnations to form the circumstances for you to approach our Messenger. This is a great mercy and a great opportunity for your lifestream. However, you will be surprised if I tell you that less than one percent of those who go along the Path use this Divine opportunity. The rest of the individuals deprive themselves of the Divine opportunity and prefer to act at their own risk. Does this behavior seem unreasonable to you? Yet, this is a very widespread example in your world. And do you know why this happens? I will tell you. It happens for that simple reason that the person acts according to his carnal mind. The voice of his Higher Self is replaced by the voice of the carnal mind in this case, and the person prefers to act on his own and to follow his own path. But even if one person comes out of the darkness of the illusion thanks to our Messenger, we believe that the mission has been successful. This is the reason why we send one mission of Light after another to your world. This is the reason why we constantly sustain the focus of Light in the physical octave within our Messengers. Compassion is the main trait of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Due to compassion and love for humankind of Earth, we constantly keep the focus of Light in the physical octave. You have been given this Teaching many times. And today I repeat it. If you keep your mind constantly directed toward our world, if your motive is absolutely pure, then you will always discern our Messengers in the physical world and follow them. If you are still driven by your personal motives, you will not be able to discern our Messengers even when you encounter them face to face. The Law of the conformity of the vibrations works perfectly. And before you bring charges against God or the Masters that they deprive you of help and are unmerciful toward you, do try to find the reasons for any situation that you face from within yourself. Everything in this world reveals itself from within. Such is the Law. And the illusion obediently turns the side to you that you expect to get from it. Two people who go along the same path will see and pay attention to different things. And if you are a Buddha, you will pass through your life in a way that no dirt will stain your golden robe. If you are burdened with many faults, then it does not matter which perfect place on Earth you visit, because you will only see drawbacks and dirt everywhere. I have come to you today in order to draw your attention once again to the inner causes of everything that happens to you in the physical world. Change yourself, do aspire, and you will be blessed with the golden robe of Buddha and the treasure of the Divine Wisdom. I AM Gautama Buddha. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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