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![]() Your consciousness and your ability to distinguish will give you an opportunity to continue the evolutionBeloved Babaji I AM Babaji. I have come this day to renew our communion and our conversations that we have through this Messenger. Today I would like to talk about many things. Our conversation will cover the most important topics, eternal themes, the topics that have not lost their relevance even during millions of years of human evolution. Everything is transient. Your incarnations are temporal. Even your planet will cease to exist after fulfilling its mission. Now I would like to get to the topic of our conversation today. You know that the change of epochs is taking place on Earth now. Every new era comes with its own energies that are designed to make adjustments and changes in the evolution of humankind of Earth. Now the era comes when you should refocus your mind from the perishable to the eternal. It is not easy to do, but it is necessary. When I was in embodiment, I exerted all my efforts to ensure that the people who came to see me from all over the world lost their interests in external manifestations and strove to reach the eternal world with their entire being. That world is invisible and inaudible to the human senses, but with the development of certain qualities of the soul, this world becomes perceivable, and it attracts you and your whole being because you intuitively feel that this is something that you should strive for. Your state of consciousness determines everything that happens to you in your life, and not only in this life but also all that will happen to you in the future, in your future lives. That is why we come and give our talks, in order for you to change your consciousness and to turn it in the direction of the Divine Truth, the Divine reality. It is difficult to explain, but we can enable you to feel the state of consonance with the Divine world. I was able to give these states to those present during the morning and evening Divine services in the quiet hours before dawn or after sunset. I spread this state from within me to all who were present. And after a person experienced that state of consonance with the Divine world at least once, he acquired the personal experience of communication with God, and it remained with him until the end of his life. And one can try to convince this person for a long time that there is no God, but he will never believe you if the sense of the Divine touched the heart of this person at least once. Therefore, all you need is to have a personal mystical experience of contact with the Divine. And then any kind of entertainment and trinkets of the illusory world will no longer attract your attention. All the diversity of the illusion will fade in comparison with the treasures of the spiritual world that you are to obtain. It is hard to believe the stories of other people, but if a person experiences the breath of the eternal world himself, when he comes in contact with eternity, then no temptations of the illusory world will ever attract his attention. Therefore, I insist that you need your own personal mystical experience. Today we will touch on the question of how to recognize which plane of Being the mystical experiences that you acquire belong to. There are many layers of the invisible world. And there are some levels that are not Divine. Therefore, a person who is aspiring to God cannot always realize and feel the difference between the various planes of the invisible world. When I enabled my disciples to feel the Divine world, I did it as carefully and delicately as possible. But there are other people who have forgotten God but have not lost the ability to manipulate the astral plane and its inhabitants. Such people can also manipulate the individuals who are seeking God and call them in their groups to share in their rituals. So, I would like to warn you. With the refinement of the illusion, it becomes more and more difficult to distinguish those people who have entirely devoted their lives to serving God from those people who have turned the service to God into their professions. Feel the difference between the servants of God and the ministers of cults. Only your Higher Self, your intuition, is sometimes able to make this subtle distinction. And just when you are able to distinguish the true servants of God from the servants of the ego behind all the rituals and external trappings, only then will you be ready to part with the illusion of your world and to move to the Higher planes of Being. Now is the time when many people will be talking about God. Few will dare to deny God. But everyone will mean different things when they speak about God. And your task is to develop and train your spiritual muscles to make your distinctions in any external circumstances. The fuss of the outer world must retreat. After a while you will feel the difference between the outer fuss and the inner peace. And you will give preference to the inner sense of peace and harmony. The fuss will leave your world. And then you will be able to attune to the world of the Divine. All perishable things will eventually leave your world, but not before you learn how to make your distinction between the true Divine world and the illusory world. Your consciousness and your ability to distinguish will give you the opportunity to continue the evolution. You have to overcome many subtle layers in your consciousness before you can be established on the rock of the Divine state of consciousness. Until then you will fall and get up, gain your experience, and make mistakes. No matter how many times you were wrong, it is important for you to come to God, to return Home. I AM Babaji, with Love to you. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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