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![]() The Path lies within youLord Surya I AM Surya having come again. Today I will try to compensate for the long wait for our meeting (since the winter cycle of Dictations) with the help of the transmission of this Message of mine, full of Love and care for humankind of Earth. As you know, during this period of the summer solstice there is an opportunity for each of you to address your letters to the Karmic Board. And today is the day when you can all do it. Perhaps it seems to you that this is insignificant and it cannot help you. However, do not disregard this God-given opportunity, I beg of you. Today, as always, I have come to you to take advantage of another cosmic opportunity and give a Message. In this Message I would like to pass on to you certain knowledge and to provide understanding of one more cosmic Law that acts in the universe. We have spoken about the Law of Karma, or Retribution. And this Law is truly the main and fundamental Law of this Universe. But there is another important Law. It is the Law of Mercy and Compassion that acts in the universe. And this Law allows the Great Cosmic beings to help those lifestreams who are entangled in the nets of illusion and no longer see either the meaning of their existence or the purpose of their journey in the illusory world. This Law also makes it possible for me in particular, to come to you with my Messages twice a year. Therefore, when your hearts are open toward me, and your consciousness is ready to perceive the Teaching, I can help you. And the extent of your success in assimilating the Teaching will be directly proportional to your sincerity and your aspiration to know the Truth. So, according to the Law of Mercy and Compassion you can be given help, and it is being given continuously. The only obstacle that prevents you from receiving our help is your consciousness. And if there is not enough faith, love, and sincerity in your being, then all our good intentions and all our care will meet with the ice of misunderstanding and the barriers that stay in your consciousness. I understand very well that the lifestyle of the existing humanity and the conditions for life on the planet are such that only a very insignificant probability exists that anyone from the incarnated people will succeed in raising his consciousness to such a level where he will manage to overcome the attraction of the illusory forces and to rise in his consciousness to the level of awareness of the Divine realm. However, I affirm that there is a probability that even during one lifetime you will manage to rise in your consciousness to the level where there will be no need of a further incarnation in the physical plane. Today I will give you an instruction on how this can be achieved. All your life, you must use every minute of your stay on Earth only for the purpose of concentration on the Supreme. Every day you should devote all your thoughts, feelings, and deeds to God. You should constantly make sure that no evil thoughts or desires can seize your consciousness, even for a second. You should erect a fortress around yourself, a fortress unassailable for anything evil and non-divine that exists in your world, on your planet. This is a very difficult task but it is achievable. There is a probability that with the help of your will, aspiration, and concentration you will manage to break through all the low layers of physical, astral, and even mental planes and find yourself in the etheric octaves of Light. Go ahead! I am telling you that it depends only on you yourself whether you will be able to break through to the etheric octaves of Light during one incarnation or not. This is exactly why we come to you in order to support your aspirations and keep showing you the Path that the best representatives of humankind already went through in the past. A trodden path already exists and you can start on this path right now! No matter how strange it may seem to you, you do not need to go anywhere or aspire to anything that lies outside you. That Path lies within you. And then, when you aspire and give up non-divine qualities within you and acquire Divine qualities, you move along the Path that leads you back to God, to that world where your soul came from and where it must return. The door to this world is within your being. Therefore, there is no sense in saving the world; there is no sense in chasing around the world in search of a panacea for the salvation of humankind. Basically speaking, you can only save yourself by becoming the Path that the rest of humankind will be able to follow. One person per century, who overcomes himself and reaches the etheric octaves of Light in the ritual of Ascension to the Light, is enough so that all humankind will receive a sufficient energy impulse for further advancement. Please notice that you find the Path and you move along this Path, and the moment comes when you yourself become this Path through which thousands and millions of living beings will be able to follow. At the first stage, you will need the discipline of a disciple; you will need aspiration, self-consistency, and devotion. Only after that will you be given help and support. First, you show the necessary qualities and then only after that you are given help and support. Finally, when you are ready and when you demonstrate your willingness during a significant period of time — not less than seven years — you are shown the Path. Beloved, it is just seven years of aspiration, devotion, and obedience. Does it seem a lot to you? But what are these seven years compared to the thousands of incarnations when your soul was wandering in the dark without any hope for salvation? Now you have come in touch with our vibrations, and you have felt their affinity with your inner essence. So, what? Will you leave us in pursuit of another illusion of your world? Many people leave the Path shown by us and seek easier paths. First, a thought appears in your mind; it is a fleeting thought, but the concentration on the purpose of your journey is already broken. Then there is a desire just to try, see, or read…and you are already moving in a different direction. When you try to return to our Path, you cannot discern it. And it takes many incarnations to find the Path again. Your soul rejoices! You found what you have been seeking for many incarnations! But only a few years pass (and what is that in comparison with millions of years of incarnation on Earth?) and you are already disappointed; you lose enthusiasm and aspiration and start sliding off the trodden Path. Realize that only one person per century manages to ascend to the peak of the Divine consciousness. And even if one person achieves this, we are ready to expend huge amounts of priceless Divine energy in order to show the Path and support you on the Path. Therefore, I have strong hope that at least one person who has found this Teaching and reads our Messages will be able to complete his earthly path during this life and show the Path to others, exactly like Buddha and Christ showed the Path in their time. I AM Surya. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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