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![]() A Talk about the need to overcome some negative character traitsGautama Buddha I AM Gautama Buddha. I am pleased with our new meeting! Today I would like to dwell on a few points of your psychology, which can hinder your advancement along the spiritual path. In particular, I would like to make a special digression in my story concerning some features of the Russian psychology and behavior because we still would like to rely on the future associated with this country. So, there are some national character traits that create a barrier on the spiritual path. More specifically, they are connected with the overwhelming desire to criticize every successful initiative. It is as if a special demon brings confusion every time something of the light takes place. Immediately, volunteers come up who wish to blacken and tarnish this light thing. And this is found everywhere on all parts of the globe, not only in Russia. Do you know what I am talking about? Let me provide you with a concrete example from life. Let us say that an acquaintance or a neighbor of yours does some significant work for society — for example, he or she cultivates the territory, plants trees, and installs benches. Do you think that these activities will receive a wide, general approval? Surely not. Immediately, without being noticed, people will bulldoze the saplings and break the benches. The reason for these actions is hidden in the karmic energies that are in the aura and these energies are required to be worked out. These exact energies have served as unconscious provocateurs in many Russian rebellions and revolutions. And these energies are rooted so deeply in the collective subconsciousness of the nation that the disentangling of this karmic knot can be done only with the efforts of the whole world. Now, when the differentiation and stratification of society into those who have and the have-nots takes place again, this energy starts to rise again. Despite the fact that no rebellions can be seen, the case with the trees and benches is absolutely indicative. And it shows that these energies of the nation that have not been worked out continue their destructive action, mainly on the plane of thoughts and feelings. The task is to overcome these negative energies. I will give another example from life. Your neighbor bought a new car or made a renovation to his apartment. Ninety percent of the reactions will be negative. You will experience envy or other negative feelings. Your anger and envy lies between you and the wonderful future that the Masters talk about: your unwillingness to put up with the situation and your desire to trample any germinations of the positive and light, no matter what they manifest in. You will never be either happy or prosperous if you do not cope with these negative energies. This is one of the main Teachings that I gave in my incarnation as Gautama Buddha. It is necessary for you to learn to be happy with the achievements of other people. You need to sincerely rejoice at their achievements. Then you will be able to acquire the virtues that are inherent in the people who create, regardless of the resistance of the illusion. And one righteous act that finds a positive response in the hearts of ten people will be multiplied tenfold. In your case, by your reaction you nullify the most wonderful impulses of people’s souls. And the most common phrase in this case seems to be, What, do you want more than anyone else? The phrase that should come out of your mouth is the following: I am grateful to you for your efforts directed for the Good. Many people will not have the heart to say this phrase. Now, you have to almost physically feel the energy that is inside of you and hinders your personal advancement along the Path. There is another side of this negative quality that entangles people and cramps their brightest impulses, namely the desire to spend money without control when they start getting it. They waste money for the most unimaginable things and satisfactions. Money is an equivalent of the Divine energy in your world. The people who receive monetary energy at their disposal pass through a hard test for the sensible use of that energy. And if you think at least for a moment about what kind of karma you are creating by senselessly wasting monetary energy and that this karma will certainly come back to you (if not in this incarnation, then in the next one in the form of poverty, deprivation, and unhappiness), then you might more cautiously direct the Divine energy as a whole and the monetary energy in particular. If you are not predisposed to believe in reincarnation, and you do not care about the next incarnations, then think about your children and grandchildren who take a portion of your karma for uncontrolled wastefulness upon themselves and suffer in their current life, burdened with different ailments and attachments. If you have financial means at your disposal, then it does not mean that you should spend it on entertainment and pleasure. God gives you an opportunity to spend your money correctly. Only in this case, you balance the karma and get released from the karma formed in previous incarnations. In particular, you have to use the monetary energy for the Common Good because the temptation of the money can be overcome only if you use it wisely. In this case, you work out the old karma and do not create a new one. Once again, I turn back to the people who experience envy and other negative feelings when seeing the abundance of others. To remove the barrier between the current moment and your abundant life, you have to overcome your negative energies with humility before the created situation and the ability to feel joy in the achievements of others. I understand well that it is easier to give this advice than to apply it. However, the inevitability of working out the karma of your past dictates certain conditions that you have to follow in order to come out of the karmic pique. Otherwise, it will happen as it usually happens when the foolishness takes precedence: You inevitably attract another cataclysm, and this way you work out the karma in an accelerated mode. We teach you an easier and safer path. However, for some reason this path seems unacceptable for you. And you cannot overcome some negative character traits within you even under the threat of a global cataclysm. It seems to you that nothing threatens you — at least not in this incarnation. I would advise you to expand your perception and to move beyond the limits of one incarnation in your consciousness. Then it will be easier for you to make informed decisions, to work out the old karma, and to not create a new one. I will be pleased if my talk today will be useful for the development of your souls. I AM Gautama Buddha. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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