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![]() It is time to come out from the world of illusion to the real world of GodBeloved Alpha I am Alpha, having come to you again. Eternity is hiding from you behind the vanity of the day. But it is eternity that I have come to confirm in your consciousness. The point is to devote your stay on Earth only to eternal, everlasting values, to something that will stay with you when you leave the earthly school of life and move to the new cycles of evolutionary development. Now the things that I am talking about seem somewhat abstract to you, things that you do not know how to touch and use in your everyday life. Your Faith in the Higher worlds and in God will create all the necessary conditions and prerequisites so that your existence in the physical world becomes closer to the Higher worlds. You only need to find that point in your being from which the perspective of Eternal Life opens. Not all of you are capable that height of thinking. Many of you will not understand, and even worse, will think that something fantastic and unreal is being talked about. Beloved, it is impossible for you to contact the distant worlds until you believe in their existence. It is necessary to make a breach in your consciousness, in your line of defense that you hold 24 hours a day, shielding you from our world and wishing neither to believe in it nor to enter into it. There are many inventions in your world that take you to the world of illusion and do not give you an opportunity to think about the eternal. I cannot compete with something that has such a great value in your consciousness that for you it overshadows God. It does not befit me to force you or insist that you come to your senses. Sometimes it happens that the flower of a rose does not open and it withers before unfolding its petals, before stretching them to the sun of Faith, Hope, and Love. You choose which gods to worship and which way to go. I only remind you that it is time to return to reality, it is time to come out from the world of illusion to the real world of God. And you have to strain yourself with your own efforts to unfold the petals of your soul that are stretching to the Higher worlds. Sometimes it is impossible for you to hear the wish of your soul because everything around you is directed precisely against it so that you cannot hear it. But I am sure that you will manage with the task. There are only two main qualities that, like threads, lead you out of the labyrinth of illusion. The first is Faith. The second is Love. For some people Love is in the first place and Faith is in the second. And somebody will say that there is no difference between Faith and Love because the true Faith is always based on Love — Love for God, Love for neighbor, Love for all Life. You should pay attention to everything that prevents you from manifesting these two qualities in your lives and gradually eliminate everything that impedes you from overcoming the illusion and ascending to the peak of the Divine consciousness. There will be several major obstacles that each of you will have to overcome. It will seem to each of you that without this or that quality of yours, it will be impossible for you to exist and develop further. But it is not so, beloved. I understand that illusion is strong and charms you with its attraction and magic. However, the Divine world can fascinate you with its enchantment and beauty. You are at the point of choice between the two worlds. And each of you has to make his or her final choice in the near future whether to follow the path of further evolution or to stay playing with toys of the illusionary world that seems real to you. As you can see, the whole diversity of the life around you is unfolded only so that you can pass your final examination and move from the world of illusion to the real world of God. Much is said about the main things in very simple words. And I do not get tired of coming and repeating these simple things in the hope that by receiving my impulse, some soul will awaken to Eternal Life from their sleep in the illusion. My task is to wake up as many souls as possible to harvest good seeds for the Heavenly granary. You only have to believe and live according to the principles commanded by the prophets of all times. Everything is known. Everything is given. You have to decide to make your choice now. It will be too late afterwards. I AM Alpha, with fatherly Love to your souls. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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