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![]() Expose yourself to the winds of change and do not be afraid to catch a cold or fall illGautama Buddha I AM Gautama Buddha, having come to you today. I have come, and as always, I am intending to give you a short Teaching that I hope will be good for you. Today I am intending to give a Teaching concerning your relationship with nature and your relationships within human society. You have a unique essence and nature, and the relationships among you and with everything around are very important. Sometimes you do not bother to think about your impact on everything around you. It seems to you that everything around exists independently from you and without your consciousness; however, the connection that is there between any manifestations on the physical plane is very strong. It is so strong that any element of your interaction with the world around can have a disastrously negative influence if it doesn't conform to the Divine plan. We apply our efforts to balance the situation on the planet. However, you can do the same thing yourselves. All you need is to be inspired with love toward the whole life, to any manifestation of life, and feel your Oneness with every part of life. Your Oneness is not something external that you have to gain. Your Oneness is your inner state. Oneness comes from within you. For that you should allow thoughts about Oneness into your consciousness. Do not tend to criticize anybody. Try to find positive moments in everything around you and focus your attention on that. You influence everything around you. And as you are Gods in your potential, sometimes that influence is so significant that it can change the future of the whole planet within several seconds. That is why it is very important to be constantly focused on positive things — positive emotions, joyful moods. You should face any problems consciously. For the bigger the number of obstacles and problems that you face in this life and overcome them with dignity, the greater is the extent of your working off your karma and of correcting the mistakes you made in the past. Becoming free of your karma, you gain greater influence on the world because the Light of God, the Divine energy, can freely flow to your world through your chakras. It is impossible to measure with human instruments the amount of the Divine energy that this or that person lets through to your world, but your higher sense organs always know who the Light goes through, and many aspire to communicate with such people intuitively. There are also other patterns of human consciousness. The consciousness focused on itself, thinking only about itself and about getting pleasures for itself. Such people represent black holes in space. They consume energy but give nothing in return. Everything is dead around such people; and they represent the living dead themselves. There are also different transitional states of human consciousness between these two opposite manifestations. In fact, you always decide yourself which way to move. You always move only toward the Light or in the opposite direction away from the Light. You either fill yourself and the people around you with the Divine energy, with Light, or you represent a consumer of the Divine energy. When two individuals who bear the Light within themselves meet, they exchange the Divine energy and enrich each other. Every manifestation of the Divine Flame is unique. Interaction of the Divine flames in incarnation enriches both of the flames. Therefore, it will be good for each individual and for the whole planet if there are spots on the planet where people can stay and communicate — the people who have caring hearts and who care not only about themselves and their closest ones but also about all beings living on planet Earth. Their communication will enhance the outflow of the Divine energy to the physical world. In the course of time, the places where negative energy is spread by people focused only on themselves will turn into leper colonies for people suffering from non-divine consciousness. The population of Earth will be divided in the nearest future. People who believe in God in their hearts will tend to unite with similar people. There will be new settlements where such people will live. And as every person influences everything around, the rise of such settlements will resemble the Golden Age. That will be included in the Golden Age. And the speed of changes on Earth will depend on the success of that construction. Getting to a favorable environment from early ages, a person will be able to take the behavior patterns and moral norms characteristic of such settlements. These towns of the future should start to appear on the planet. And each of you can show that initiative and create such a settlement. You know that the best form of a prayer is a prayer through deeds. And if you feel strength and desire within you, do not wait for any external command. Act and create. Use the opportunity that has come to Earth. I will be glad if our suggestions come home to your hearts. Everything that is from God, that makes people aspire to God, will have support and will be manifested in your world. Everything that has chosen to be divided from God will reap the fruits of the incorrect choice. But every person and every living being always has an opportunity to return to the Divine Path. Some human individuals just have to learn their lessons. Thanks to planet Earth, everyone has an opportunity to learn their lessons, and everyone has open perspectives of the Divine development. Now I am asking you to go deep into your heart and to think. What is holding you in the usual environment? What has made you follow for years that behavior stereotype you have imposed on yourself? What is limiting your freedom and the manifestation of your Divinity? Is everything that impedes your development so significant, and hasn't the time come to leave all your small egoistic attachments and to give yourself to all living beings and to get eternal peace and unlimited joy of serving in return? Try to analyze in your consciousness everything that impedes you from gaining your inner freedom and to soar up to the mountain peaks of the Divinity. Only you set your limits, and only you impede the manifestation of your Divine qualities and the fulfillment of your Divine purpose. Let the Divine energy flow through your being freely; and on its way it will wash away all small and big obstacles in the form of your ego, your fears, limits, and dogmata. Expose yourself to the winds of change and do not be afraid to catch a cold or fall ill. I AM Gautama Buddha, with faith in you! © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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