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![]() The natural evolution for your souls is following the Path we are teaching mankind of EarthLord Surya I AM Surya, having come to you through our Messenger again. I have come from the Great Central Sun to give a homily to the people of planet Earth. For your awareness, we are giving you knowledge and information that are vital for you. We provide you with information, and each time you have a chance to receive a new pearl. After some time passes, you will amusedly discover that the pearls we have given you are enough to make a necklace. And you will be wearing this necklace until the end of your embodiment. It will impart its warmth to you and give you strength at the moments when your mind is filled with doubts about the chosen Path, and the troubles of life tie you tightly up in knots of returning karma. Don’t be afraid of any difficulties you will encounter in your life. All the troubles and all the unforeseen situations are required and necessary for the development of your soul. You will be unable to evolve if you do not come across unforeseen daily situations and do not overcome the hardships of life. Only what is dead is unable to experience the delights of life and to suffer from certain manifestations of life. Thus, be thankful for everything you face in life and do not shrink from the changes. The better your consciousness is prepared for the changes, the more easily and more quickly they occur. The reason for all your disturbances and troubles is the mistakes you made in the past. So every imbroglio you face in life must gladden you, because for you it is a chance to redeem your old errors and never to return to them. The knowledge of the Law of Karma will enable you to alter your attitude toward any trouble. And the younger you are when you get access to the knowledge of the Law of Karma, the more easily you will accept even the most difficult situations and come out of them with honor. If you do not encounter difficulties in your life, if your life runs smoothly, then I would think over this fact if I were you. Many people seek peace and aspire to external demonstrations of well-being. However, as soon as you get into such life conditions when everything in your life runs too smoothly, this is like a black ordeal for your soul, because you have no opportunity to evolve through external conditions and you have to descend inwardly. Very few people know how to be all-sufficient and to contemplate only their inner being. The majority of people, after having lost their familiar surroundings full of difficulties and barriers, simply fall into depression. And this is a sign that you have entered a period of overcoming of the most severe karma — the karma between you and God. Many people threw out a challenge to God on an impulse of arrogance; they were so bold as to speak out against the Law of this universe. At that moment when they made bold to behave like that, nothing happened. They went on living as before and nothing changed in their lives, for a certain period of time must pass before karma starts to return. And this term is made necessary by many reasons. If you step on the Path of Initiations, the time starts running differently for you, and the process of the return of karma accelerates. For ordinary people the karma of their current embodiment can be returned only in the next embodiment or even after a few embodiments. For that reason, it is very difficult to trace how the Law of Karma operates. But when you consciously enter the Path of Initiations, you receive lessons in life that allow you to trace the action of the Law of Karma during the period of literally one year. In particular instances the return of karma can speed up even more and its result can be returned in a few weeks or days. At any rate, you receive a chance to look backwards over earlier mistakes and to retrace the action of the Law of Karma. Besides, you receive training unconsciously during the day or in your sleep. You receive information from the Masters or from your Higher Self, and this information enables you to bring into confrontation the mistakes you made in the past, and the fruits (the results of these mistakes) return to you in the form of karma, or energy. And even then, when you cannot sufficiently trace the link between your actions in the past and the consequences of these actions in the present in the form of returning karma, it is important not only to trace this link, but also to accept the fact that everything happening to you takes place according to the Will of God. And the degree of your humility before the Divine Law and before the Will of God will show you the degree of your merits on the Path to God. There are many nuances and situations on your Path that are not susceptible to a single-value estimate by your external consciousness. Such situations sometimes contravene the code of conduct and the ethical canon existing in your society. But it is not always the case that the Divine Law coincides with the moral law of the society. So, for example, karma from a murder or any other violent act that you committed in the past must return to you. And for this purpose, God can use any person whom you meet on the Path. For the purposes of the human law existing in your society, this person is a criminal and is punishable. But for the purposes of the Divine Law, this human can simply be a doer of the Law of Karma. For that reason, never judge even criminals and never allow yourself to judge anybody. At those times when a strong bond existed between your world and the Highest octaves, there were people who were fundamentally incarnations of the Divine and who were capable of retracing the link between the actions of people in the past and the present. Such people acted as Divine judges, and their sentencing decisions or voluntarily pardons were peremptory. At present there are no people on Earth who represent Divine incarnations in full, for any Divine incarnation in the present conditions on Earth is impossible. That is why there is no chance to accurately trace the connection between your actions in the past and the problems that crop up in your life as the consequences of your past actions. Only when you step on the Path of Initiations can you allow the Higher world to be manifested in your life. You receive knowledge about the Law of Karma and its manifestations in your lives with the help of your personal mystical bond with the Masters and your own Higher part. That is why I have come today in order to raise again a question before your external consciousness about the necessity for you to follow the Path of Initiations. I have come from the Great Central Sun, and I have brought you this Message with the aim of helping you understand that the natural evolution for your souls is following the Path we are teaching mankind of Earth. But we cannot force anybody to follow this beaten Path. We can only give you our knowledge and understanding, our information and energy. Nevertheless, I am sure that a moment will come when common sense and the internal Divine essence prevail in your life, and thereupon you will gain victory after victory over the unreal part of yourselves. I AM Surya, and I wish you success on your Path! © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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