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![]() We invite you to establish a new type of relations between the Guru and a chelaLord Shiva I AM Shiva, coming to you again to talk about the Path you will follow if you choose the Path that we are teaching you about through our Messenger. There are many ways and many roads in your material world. Unfortunately, most of those ways and roads lead nowhere. Incarnation by incarnation you wander about the illusion and cannot find the true Path. And even when at last you discover the Truth on your Path, you begin to doubt whether what you face comes from God or not. It often happens that you choose the right Way and already follow it, but at some moment of weakness in your heart, you fall under the influence of your carnal mind and begin to doubt. Your doubts are produced by your imperfection. Therefore, when you choose the Path to follow or start doubting the Path that you are following, you should always consider: where do your doubts come from? Are your doubts reasonable or are they just a result of your fear and your lack of self-confidence? You should constantly distinguish your inner states. Are you influenced by unreal forces or do you just reasonably analyze the Path that you follow? And, every time that you analyze your inner work, you have to be guided only by your intuition and the voice of your heart. That is why we tirelessly repeat to you: "Develop your intuition, your distinction, and your connection with the real world of God. It is hard for you to do this when you are completely sunk in the illusion. Therefore, we send our Messengers and our servants who show you the Path and help you to orientate yourself in the sea of life. However, you and only you can choose whom to follow and whose recommendations to be guided by. The situation is complicated by the fact that however devoted and sincere our Messenger is, she took a human incarnation, and along with the incarnation she had to take a part of the world's karma, a burden that allows her to stay in the incarnation. Seeing the imperfection of our Messengers, you can be puzzled and seized with additional doubts. Therefore, we tell you that you should not blindly trust those people who proclaim themselves as messiahs, messengers, and teachers. There is always an element of unpredictability in any situation, and that person who was our rightful representative and who carried our mantles not long ago, can make a mistake and even stray from the Path. So you should carefully watch and analyze all the actions of our Messengers and be able to distinguish between accidental mistakes in their actions, which it is impossible to avoid in your world, and a more serious sin of betrayal and deviation from the principles of the Brotherhood. This Teaching is new, and we dare give it now through our Messenger with a hope that many of you have achieved that level of development that will allow you not to make categorical judgments and refuse to follow our Messengers at all. No, now it is not the right time for you to follow the Path and choose the Path on your own. You cannot do without our representatives and our Messengers. But you have to approach your choice of people whose advice you decide to listen to and whose guidance you decide to follow consciously, along with the measures of your inner consonance and your distinction. If in former times unconditional obedience and strict following the Guru's guidance was demanded of you, now we tell you that you should listen to your inner voice and your inner intuition about everything, and only after that you can follow the outer instructions of any Guru. The people who are not ready for such new Guru-chela relations will not be able to follow the Teachings being given by us through this Messenger. They need other harder instructions and abidance with outer dogmas and rules. That is why we give this Teaching, but we completely understand that different human individuals are at various stages of their development, and what is good for one might be undesirable and premature for another. It is well known that if a person had a long stay underground and didn't have access to daylight, a momentary coming out into bright sunlight can totally blind him and do unrecoverable harm to his health. People incarnated on planet Earth have different levels of consciousness; and now we are giving our Teachings for those who are ready to be in the vanguard, for those who are ahead of their brothers and who are ready to start immediate relations with the Ascended Masters, based on cooperation and mutual respect. However, while you are incarnated, the principle of unconditional obedience to the Ascended Masters and our representatives is fundamental for you. But, you make the decision about such obedience in your heart by yourself, and you should always be ready to change your decision if you feel that the circumstances have changed. Therefore, Guru-chela relations typical for the new era will be notable for you to have creative, mutually-enriching relations with your Guru, rather than the relations based on compulsion and diktat as had been accepted before in many of our organizations. And those relations are more suitable for the spirit of the time and those common democratic reforms that are taking place in the world. Let me repeat once again that not all people will be able to establish and accept the new relations. And many people are just not ready for establishing such relations because any hint that the teacher can be wrong is a signal for them not to consider their Guru's opinion at all. We invite you to establish a new type of relations between the Guru and a chela, the relations based on unconditional love, true brotherhood, and cooperation. We hope that a sufficient number of individuals, who are ready for such relations and already follow them, will be found. I am glad to give you this important Teaching today, which you undoubtedly need. I AM Shiva, and I have been with you today! © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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