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![]() By changing yourself, you will change the world around youLord Surya I AM Surya. I am very happy with our new meeting! Every time I have an opportunity to send my Message into your world, I am thrilled and full of joy. Beloved, you cannot even imagine the whole greatness of the mercy granted to you, to perceive our Messages coming through the worlds and through the bodies of our Messenger. Your state of consciousness does not allow you to realize completely and to understand the extent of the Divine miracle that is happening. If I were you, I would think about why this Divine mercy, this dispensation, this Divine miracle has been taking place for such a significant period of time. It is very easy to explain, beloved: The Heavens are concerned about the situation that has formed on Earth and use every opportunity to transmit the Divine energies into your world. Every cycle of our Messages brings a huge amount of the Divine energy to your world. We use the conductors of every person who reads our Messages and who has purified their bodies even to a slight extent. It does not matter where the person ready to perceive our energies is on Earth. We come to you directly, using the opportunities of the Internet. The nectar of the Divine energy can penetrate through your bodies and imbue the space around you, exactly in the place where you are. That is how we saturate the space of planet Earth with our energies. And this is one of the reasons why we continue giving our Messages. Very few people who are in embodiment can keep their consciousness at the Divine level. Therefore, our Messages help you and enable you to raise your vibrations at least for a while and to bring them closer to the Divine level. Your world is a mirror that reflects your consciousness. Therefore, helping you to keep your consciousness at a high level, we change the world around you. Of course, our impact is not so strong in comparison with the impact of mass media on your consciousness. And we cannot compete with your mass media. In general, all that a human lets into his consciousness from TV programs, the Internet, and other sources of information of your world settles in the subconscious of the human and impedes the transmission of pure Divine energy. That is why most of humankind cannot transmit Divine energies into your world at present. Therefore, your world suffers from the chronic lack of the Divine energy. That is why humanity has inferior states of consciousness, depression, hatred, and aggression. Having inferior states of consciousness, a person himself and his relatives become inevitably immersed in the illusion that reflects the inferior states of consciousness. Your world is a reflected world, the illusory world. Everything in your world is attracted according to vibrations. Constantly being immersed in inferior states of consciousness, you attach yourselves to the low-quality external illusion. Do you understand, beloved? All that is present in your consciousness is automatically manifested outside of you as your environment. So if you are always deep in the world of the news where there is violence, aggression, revolutions, and mass disorder, then after a while it all starts manifesting around you in your life. That is how humanity goes deeper and deeper into non-divine reality. Therefore, the only help that can be rendered to humanity at present is our Messages and our energies that we transmit into your world through our Messages. Many of you might ask the question, How can the Messages read by a few of the billions of people living on Earth change the world? Beloved, we never waste the Divine energy. Any Divine mercy is thoroughly weighed at the High Councils of the Universe before being granted. Our subtle energies can neutralize a huge amount of negative energies of your world. This is our work on the maintenance of balance on the planet. Each of you can join this great work for the salvation of humanity of Earth. With our joint efforts we will change the situation on the planet. For you it is enough to read one of our Messages given through our Messenger every day, sequentially, in the chronological order in which they were given. Our Messages can change your state of consciousness, and inevitably your surroundings will change following your consciousness. We cannot predict the situation in advance because we do not know how many people will respond to our call and will read our Messages. The state that you are in when you start reading our Messages is very important. So in order for your work to be most efficient, you should get prepared to read our Messages and read them only in the most elevated state that you can experience. Only in this case will you be able to transmit the Divine energy into the world around you. You are given more than a hundred tools described in our Messages in order for you to get attuned to our world before reading. Some of the tools, such as Rosaries or meditations, were written by the Messenger at our request. In order to get prepared to read our Messages, you should dedicate at least one hour to spiritual work before reading a Message. You do not have to use all the tools given to you. You can choose for yourself what suits you best: prayer calls, Rosaries, meditations, or films. Start reading the Messages only when you completely harmonize all your bodies, thoughts, and feelings. By changing yourself, you will change the world around you. Do not think that working to transform your consciousness will be easy. You will need all your determination to fulfill all the instructions of the Masters that are contained in our Messages. In the first place, you are to give up your bad habits, including listening to low-quality kinds of music, misusing your sexual energy, and watching TV and inferior manifestations on the Internet. You will need all the power of your will and determination to follow the Path of the transformation of your consciousness. Only those who will manage to fulfill our recommendations and requests will be able to attain the reward — dwelling in the Divine world, the Kingdom of God — as the outer manifestation of your inner state of consciousness. I have been with you today. I AM Surya. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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