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![]() It is necessary to start acting!Master Morya I AM El Morya! Urgency dictates today’s Message. I have just left the session of the Karmic Board in order to share the recent news from this meeting with you. Well, the results of the year have been summed up. I must note for you that on the one hand, the results are joyful because we have found that the transition of the vibrations of planet Earth has been successful! We managed to avoid cases of emergency. And it makes us happy! On the other hand, there is something that makes us sad. You can probably guess what it is. We have expected more promptness, more consciousness, and more devotion from our chelas who are incarnated now. During the last few years we have managed to achieve almost the impossible: We have created and anchored the outpost of the Brotherhood, the outpost of Light in the physical plane of the land of Russia. Right in the middle of Russia! Hitherto, it was an unprecedented victory! This took place in 2007. What happened afterwards cannot serve as a model. To our general regret, the light-bearers of Russia could not hold onto the outpost of the Brotherhood. The land of our Messenger’s Ashram has continuously been attacked by the opposing forces during all these five years. We could hardly repel one attack after another. As for the rest of the regrettable situations connected with the Ashram of our Messenger, you have been timely informed through our Messages. I myself have come many times and literally begged and asked you for help. Instead of help, we saw the petrified hearts of our former flaming followers. One after another the light-bearers withdrew from our Messenger, and many of them committed the worst crime — betrayal. The result did not fail to come: We lost those advantages that had been created in the Russian land. We lost the rate of advancement, and now we are forced to reap the fruits of the lack of promptness, of the laziness, and of the betrayal. Was it truly so far beyond your strength to join together and to withstand the attack? Is the burden of Light so heavy? It is a pity that the window of the Divine opportunity, which had been open for Russia all this time, is closed. I foresee the mood of panic of many of our disciples who will read and reread this Message of mine. I foresee the wave of doubts and negative surges. Is this a dignified bearing for our disciples? Do we, the Ascended Masters, really teach you to behave in this way? Yes, the Karmic Board confirmed that the Divine opportunity for Russia is closed, and a veto is imposed upon the transmission of the Messages of the Masters in the land of Russia. Our authentic disciples consider the failure as an opportunity to learn from the mistakes. Our authentic disciples cite their unity and oneness against any attack of the opposing forces. There is a reason for you to unite! There is an assignment that needs to be fulfilled! With the help of your efforts and thanks to the flame of your hearts, a new opportunity can be opened. Show your unity! Demonstrate your willingness to sacrifice your momentary hobbies and games in the illusion for the sake of the Masters’ mission! Why are there so few authentic and devoted warriors under our banners? Where have all the knights and heroes gone, those who took responsibility for the protection of our Messenger before the incarnation? Hey! Where are you? Is your lot truly so heavy? Is it not the time to remember your obligations and your duty? I am not speaking about those who have betrayed and gone. I address those who are still bearing the burning spark of devotion and the flame of Divinity. Do show your determination to serve the Masters, and the Karmic Board will consider the Divine opportunity for Russia again. Now we are forced to give our Messages in completely different countries. This time we have been giving our cycle of the Messages in Portugal. The last cycle of our Messages, as you remember, was transmitted by us in Latvia. Well, God can draw positive moments in any situation. If the light-bearers failed to take our banner on time and spread our Teaching all over the world, then we will do it ourselves. You know that during the reception of our Messages a great deal of Light is released. And this is the main reason for which we give our Messages. Therefore, many countries of the world now have a chance to create conditions for our Messenger necessary for the reception of our Messages. A more even distribution of the energy around the globe is welcomed! At the end of my Message I would wish to confirm for your consciousness the inevitability of the changes that are coming forth. The faster you will be able to master the Teaching being given by us, the more rapid will be the rate of changes in all the spheres of life in human society. To start with, remember that once and for all, everything that concerns the mission of Light in the physical plane is liable to your full care and responsibility. Imagine an envoy of a different country who has encountered misunderstanding and the demonstration of obvious animosity on the side of the authorities and the population of the country where he serves as the envoy. I think that there is not any country in the world that can ignore the manifestation of animosity toward their representative. We, The Ascended Hosts, cannot ignore the manifestation of animosity toward our Messenger either. Many times the Teaching was given on the karma that appears at the manifestation of any negative actions directed against our representative on Earth, our Messenger. Any karma can be worked off in the easiest way if you admit making a mistake and apologize. But if ignorance and arrogance do not allow people to admit their mistakes and to repent of them, then the negative karma starts to manifest in the physical plane in the form of different cataclysms, social coups, and financial disasters. Therefore, you have no time to sit on your hands. It is necessary to start acting! Do not be afraid of creating karma with your incorrect actions. If your motive is right, then regardless of how incorrect your actions seem to be at the current historical moment, God will always be able to straighten out the situation and to correct your mistakes. The karma of inactivity is much worse when, under a plausible pretext, you do not interfere in the fight, and you lose the won positions and the advantages of swiftness and inrush. Do learn from your mistakes. Do not hesitate to act for the benefit of the evolutions of planet Earth! I AM El Morya! © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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