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![]() All changes will come to your world from within youQuan Yin I AM Quan Yin. I have come. Today we will talk again about eternal topics, about the everlasting. Because there is so much fuss in your world, it is extremely rare to find something that belongs to eternity. The most important thing that you lack in your lives is the sense of the Divine, Eternal Law that is present in the universe and permeates the entire universe. Then, when you are able to raise your consciousness to the Divine, you detach from the illusion and are able to perceive that which is everlasting. There are qualities that are eternal and present within each of you. And you should seek these Divine qualities in the depths of your hearts and spread them to the world around you. You are waiting for changes in the reality around you. You anticipate the coming changes and expect them. Now the time has come for you to understand that all of the changes that are coming will come to your world from within you. For that you should approach the Divine reality in your consciousness. When you are able to move within yourselves and enter the secret abode of your heart, then you can bring the transformations closer to your world. This is the Path that we never tire of repeating to you: the Path that lies within your hearts. Believe me, there are not any changes outside of you that will bring the Golden Age of humanity closer. These changes will come from inside of your being. Everything that now exists in the external world distracts you from the Truth lying in your hearts. Retreat into the silence of your hearts, and feel the peace and the bliss of eternity. From that point you can have the right view on everything that surrounds you in the external world. Since I have come at the end of the annual cycle, it is my duty to give you an idea about the forthcoming transformation. You see that the energies of regeneration are beginning to penetrate more and more actively into your world and into your consciousness. And the question is to what extent you will manage to overcome your external consciousness and give preference to the inner transformation. Now, at the least, my words seem strange for many people because I am speaking about the changes that are not visible from a merely human view. I am speaking about the subtle processes that take place inside of your being. And these subtle processes exert much more influence and effect on your world than any external actions. Any manifestations in the external world — cataclysms, natural calamities, rallies and revolutions, wars, and terrorist acts — are secondary. And it is possible to avoid all of this easily if only you exerted yourself and carefully read our Messages and listened to the advice that we are giving to you. Any of the most subtle impulses of your soul cause inevitable changes in the physical world. If you experience the states of happiness, love, and peace, you exert an influence on vast distances around you — and perhaps even on the whole planet. The more subtle, Divine feelings you experience, the more influence you have on the surrounding physical world. That explains why a small number of saints can balance the situation on the whole planet. Negative feelings and thoughts also have an influence on the physical world. Fortunately, because they have low vibrations, these energies do not have significant influence, since they cover a short distance. And if these negative states of consciousness did not reign over the minds and hearts of the overwhelming majority of the incarnated individuals, their influence could be neglected. The problem is that the so-called mass consciousness is prevailing in your world. And at this stage of human development, this mass consciousness becomes dangerous for the future destiny of the world. Therefore, you are given advice on how to get out of the influence of mass consciousness. Only by giving preference to the contemplation of eternity unfolding in your hearts, is it possible to get rid of the negative energies that are so widespread in your society. Changes are inevitable because they are caused by the rise of the vibrations of the planet as a whole. The more humanity will defend the old way of life and the former stereotypes of behavior supported by mass consciousness and by the negative impact of the majority of the media, including the Internet, the more severe tests humankind may undergo in the near future. Conversely, if qualitative changes take place in the consciousness of people, such as a leap of consciousness toward the Divinity, then the more smoothly the changes will take place. It remains only to wait for the path humankind will choose this time. Many times in previous eras I had been incarnated on Earth during the most severe trials that humankind went through. And I was not the only one; there were many other Beings of Light. Now I come indirectly, using the conductors of our Messenger. But the value of my advice and directions does not become less significant because of that. All of you will have to make your final choice in the near future about which path to follow: the Divine Path or continue manifesting your will in sticking to the path that leads nowhere. It has never been told so clearly and concretely. I have come and I have warned you once again. Is it for the last time? I AM Quan Yin, with deep mercy and compassion for your souls. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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