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![]() The Divine science is the most complex science of allThe Great Divine Director I AM The Great Divine Director. You know me as the member of the Karmic Board and Saint-Germain’s Teacher. I do not always try to come out to the public, and I usually give the direction of the spiritual development of society as if from behind the scenes. So, today is one of the happy exceptions to my rules. I have come in order to give practically the last Message of the year. The session of the Karmic Board is coming to an end, and basically, all the problems that required an immediate resolution have already been considered. So, I have some time to come out from behind the scenes. I do not think that most of those who read this Message will appreciate this step of mine, because this Message and almost all of the Messages of this cycle are designed for people who stand firmly on the Path and need just a little support and adjustment. The many people who are chasing sensations in search of some news will be disappointed. We are moving to a finer reality. And we are speaking for those who are able to perceive us. For the rest we leave the opportunity to study our previous Messages. But you should take into account that if you still continue moving to and fro, trying to embrace all the news contained on the Internet and on the bookshelves, then you had better not read our Messages because you will waste your time. We composed our Messages so that a person could gradually enter our world, making his decisions more and more on the basis of the inner rather than the outer perception of reality. But that is possible only when you seriously choose to go on the Path outlined by us. If you continue to mix different sources and different spiritual directions, the effect of our Messages will be exactly the opposite. You will not approach the goal of your spiritual journey in the physical world, but instead you will move away from it. This is quite understandable even from the physical point of view. When you expose yourself to different energies without being completely aware of the effect of each of them on your subtle bodies, you are constantly forced to stay under the influence of an aggressive environment. These energies will pull your being in different directions, and instead of moving further along the Path, you will stay in the same place or crawl back. In order to start moving, you should choose the Path and start going along it. But, if reaching some point on the Path you decide that it would be nice to go along some other route as well, then you will automatically return to the starting point of your Path. That is what the majority of people reading our Messages do. First, they cheerfully start their procession under our guidance, but then one of their friends recommends some other source to them, and they sometimes start moving completely in the opposite direction. If you have found the Divine source, if your Higher Self points at its truth, then why is it necessary for you to dart off and run the other way at some doubtful signal? The depth of the Teaching is realized during life tests and by using the given knowledge in passing those vital life tests. Believe me, when you walk in the direction indicated by us, you comprehend the more subtle facets of the illusion and learn to overcome those inner and outer obstacles that you were not aware of at the beginning of the Path. Those who squirrel around do not advance along the Path but cause direct harm to their souls because without having received the experience of subtle distinctions, they are exposed to many negative influences capable of destroying their finer bodies and even their souls. I repeat once again that the Divine science is the most complex science of all, and a superficial study of it will not lead to any result. That is why I have come and I give this Message of mine. My main duty is to give the right direction at every given moment of time. Now the time for our talk is coming to an end, and I would like to warn you that humankind as a whole is on the wrong road. The right way is outlined. It has been outlined not only in these Messages but also in the past by many of our Messengers, and the right way is the Path of spiritual development. If six years ago there were people who simply followed the instructions given in our Messages, then we would already have a solid foundation on which it would be possible to establish the new principles for the development of society. Now society has turned away from our recommendations, and we give you the right to move along the path you have chosen, the path to nowhere. Unfortunately, none of the Highest Councils of the Universe and none of the Karmic Boards can interfere with the manifestation of your free will. We can only stand aside and observe, and remind you of the Law of Karma and the principles of its operation from time to time. We have thousands of years of experience working with the humankind of Earth as well as many centuries of experience balancing on the brink where humanity prefers to stay. You have something to think about at your leisure when you summarize the results of the year. I AM The Great Divine Director, always ready to help the humankind of Earth. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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