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![]() Today’s talk will explain to you the failures on your PathBeloved Kuthumi I AM Kuthumi, having come again in order to have a talk with you. Perhaps you will benefit from what I want to tell you. At least it will be useful for the development of your soul. As we have already mentioned in our Messages several times, there is something in every person that is truly a real treasure. And this treasure has the ability to increase from incarnation to incarnation or to vanish as if you were robbed. And this is indeed a complete analogy. But the fact is that you rob yourself. Perhaps I am speaking in riddles, and my previous phrases require interpretation. As you should have understood from our previous talks, within a person there is an immortal part and there is a perishable, impermanent part. And all the radiant experience of many incarnations is accumulated like treasures in Heaven in your causal body, an imperishable part of you. However, if incarnation after incarnation a person wastes the Divine energy coming through a crystal string, not on Divine acts but giving to himself the pleasures of life and fulfilling the desires of his ego, then the treasure is not accumulated. In fact, you rob yourself. Every incarnated person is given a certain amount of energy. And you control that energy yourself. So in fact, there is not any Last Judgment at the end of cosmic cycles. But the people who incorrectly spent the energy given by God (from the Divine point of view) cannot continue their existence because there is nothing to evolve further. That is the main part of the Teaching that we try to convey to the consciousness of human individuals. Every time, when reading the lines of the Teaching, a person heeds them but then in the next moment they rush in pursuit of the next pleasure or to fulfill a desire. This inconsistency in actions and forgetfulness make us repeat the same Truths many times. At first glance, it seems that we are doing a useless thing. However, if only one person suddenly awakens and completely realizes the Truth during one of our talks, then the energy for the transmission of our Messages will not be wasted. While moving along the path of evolution, the illusion becomes increasingly refined, and many things that did not take place in the last centuries are now beginning to manifest. Yes, while moving along the path, our disciples face more and more subtle manifestations of illusion both within themselves as well as outside. Some people make the valuable discovery that even working for the Brotherhood and carrying out the Brotherhood’s missions, it is possible to create karma. From the point of view of many people, this statement seems absurd. But let us take and examine that justification in a concrete example. A person has started performing a certain job for the Brotherhood: distributing books, giving lectures, translating Messages into other languages, and so on. And he has been doing that job for many years. It seems that in this case the Law of Karma should be satisfied and the person should get his reward in the growth of his causal body. However, in more than 90 percent of cases, there is not any growth in the causal body, and moreover, karma is created. I think that most of the readers will think that something is confused in the text when they read these lines. There is nothing wrong in the text. It is just that some of our chelas take on certain duties and think that they will carry those duties through their lives like rewards, and that it is enough to satisfy the Divine Law. However, it is not the performance of the job itself (even the work for the Brotherhood), but the quality of the performance of this work. You must perform the work of the Brotherhood in such a way that you forget about yourself and forget about everything in the world until you fulfill everything in the best possible way. You cannot perform the work of the Brotherhood in a measured and planned way as you would perform any other work in the physical world, because the fruit of your efforts will very quickly manifest itself as rotten fruit on the physical plane if you do not direct your efforts correctly and you are not in the right state of consciousness. Sometimes it would be better for you not to do the work of the Brotherhood than to do it without the right state of consciousness and the necessary zeal. Perhaps, you need to return to the prayer practice and work on yourself, your faults, and your psychological problems. In order to do the work for the Brotherhood, you should have the spiritual foundation in your past lives. Collaborators of the Brotherhood who are able to do the work for the Brotherhood on the physical plane come from the great saints of the past. And it is quite seldom that within one incarnation you will be able to beg God for the opportunity to do the work for the Brotherhood. As for you, the less your spiritual achievements are and the bigger your ego is, the more quickly you grasp the fulfillment of the jobs of the Brotherhood. That is why mutual claims and dissatisfaction appear. You should understand your level of development. You should feel awe at the slightest possibility of Service that the Masters give you. I am actually confused that I am compelled to explain such simple truths that are very familiar in the East, but the consciousness of a Western person is hardly able to accommodate it. I hope today’s talk will explain to you the failures on your Path and will make you take the proper place in the line for the right to be a collaborator of the Brotherhood. We open the shortest way to Heaven for our collaborators, but you should agree that it is necessary to sacrifice something in return. And of course, this is your ego, your attachments, habits, sweet hobbies, and psychological problems that stretch from your distant past. However, I am an optimist by nature. And I hope that if not within this decade, then maybe in the next one, our Messages will have the effect that we counted on. I AM Kuthumi, always with hope. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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