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![]() A Teaching about the situation on the planetMaster Hilarion I AM Hilarion. I have come to you again on the ray of Truth, science, and healing. Today I would like to use this Divine opportunity for the transmission of the Messages into your world in order to give the Teaching about how you should attune yourselves to current events. The moment, the turning point, after which everything will start to change in your world, has come. Those of you who have devotion to the Great White Brotherhood in their hearts are tired of waiting for the times when the changes that the Masters keep on describing in their Messages will begin taking place on Earth. Beloved, everything is changing already. And your level of consciousness simply does not let you understand the full scale of the changes that are happening on Earth. A faster pace of changes is just physically impossible because we have to maintain the balance on the planet and, simultaneously, purify the planet from everything old and obsolete. Our service to the evolutions of planet Earth at times resembles walking along the edge of a knife. We must strictly maintain balance so as not to fall to the right or to the left. The vibrations of the planet are elevating. It is obvious. Even secular science captures the changes that occur in the base frequency of Earth and its magnetic field. These new conditions are tolerated very poorly by the individuals who have chosen to serve the forces that are opposite to us. They feel ill at ease. And in order to get back to their normal state, they have to strengthen the effect of the tested methods that have always caused the lowering of vibrations: alcohol, nicotine, sex, low-frequency music, gambling, drugs, and aggression. This list can be continued. My mission is to bring to your consciousness an understanding of the ongoing events. So, on the one hand, a great number of people tolerate the elevation of the vibrational level of the planet very poorly because their level of consciousness is not ready for the changes. On the other hand, those people who are ready for the changes and who naturally have high vibrations and high sensitivity also lose their bearings while living amidst this hell, as they perceive what they are surrounded by as hell. They could be living very successfully in the current vibrational field of this planet. However, at the same time, this planet is also inhabited by individuals for whom the rising vibrations are life threatening, and they try to use everything in order to extend their existence as much as they can and protect their lifestyles without changing anything in it. Such coexistence of two individuals with completely different inner natures in one city, in one house, causes bewilderment and lack of understanding on the part of the light-bearers. I have come today once again to provide an understanding of the processes taking place on Earth. And now you understand the difficulty of our mission. If there is only one or several light-bearers among a million people in a city while the rest of the city's population have chosen the carnal world, then we have to hold back nature's forces so that this city does not get destroyed in order to save just this one soul or sometimes several souls. You will not understand some of the principles that we follow. However, we act strictly in accordance with the Cosmic Law, and believe me, all of the resources for saving souls are used at 1000 percent capacity. Sometimes it is necessary to change the natural processes of planet Earth just to save one soul. You have probably read in our Messages that a decision has been made to increase the vibrations of the planet.[1] And you are probably following the news that report about the increase in seismic activity on the planet. These processes can be explained. When the vibrations of the planet are rising, but people’s consciousness restrains the increase of the vibrations, then centers of tension are formed in the subtle field of Earth. These centers are manifested on the physical plane in the form of seismic activity, hurricanes, and technological disasters. You need to understand that we are not the cause of all these problems. They are caused solely by the negative energies generated by humanity. If you imagine for a moment that at least 10 percent of human individuals living on the planet followed the path shown by us, the whole situation on the planet would go along a smoother path. Practically, the work of the Ascended Hosts is focused on alleviating the attacks that humankind of Earth will have to face, as much as possible. This is where we spend the vast majority of the energy provided to us by the Great Central Sun. Now I would like to touch upon one more topic. I would like to give a helping hand to those individuals who have chosen the Light, but because of their karma, for the time being they cannot get out of the life circumstances that surround them. I understand very well how difficult it can be for you. However, first the karmic energy must completely exhaust itself. And you will have to resign yourselves to accept it. Secondly, God always gives you the opportunity to go along an easier path; however, because you are burdened with a great karmic load, you do not always see that path. Therefore, reach out to the Masters for help more often. Address the Master with whom you feel the closest connection. You can express your requests in writing or ask to travel to our retreats before you go to sleep so that by the next morning your outer consciousness can receive the information on how to find the way out of the enclosure of karma that surrounds you. Do not hesitate to ask to be shown the way out of your karmic situation. One thing should be noted: Write down your request; inscribe them on paper. And then several years later when you read what you had asked for, you will discover with surprise that all your requests have been granted. And this will be the best proof for you that the Great White Brotherhood exists and never leaves its comrades without protection and help. I tried to bring home to you the information that, perhaps, will support you and will serve as a helping hand from your elder brother. I AM Hilarion. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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