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![]() Fill the space around you with perfect modelsElohim Apollo I AM Elohim Apollo. I have come at this difficult time for planet Earth in order to give you a universal recipe for well-being, joy, and inspiration! I AM responsible for manifestation of beauty in the physical octave and in the finer worlds. I AM responsible for inspiration and insight. People forgot about my existence. People do not call me anymore when they start an activity. All human activities should be accompanied by Divine inspiration. Regardless of what you do in your octave, you should do it with joy and inspiration. Oh, it is very simple, beloved. You do not feel sublime sentiments, because you are surrounded by imperfect forms and imperfect sounds. In order to align the vibrations of your world with the Divine vibrations, you should fill your world with perfect models in every type of activity, especially in the field of art. But even if you are not an artist, a composer, or a musician, and you are very far from art, turn to me for help and I will fill any kind of your work with Divine inspiration. And if you are baking a holiday cake or renovating your apartment, I will fill your work with inspiration and joy. And the result of your work will manifest in a more perfect form. Imagine if all the people were guided by Divine inspiration in their everyday activities. Their labor would be inspired, and the result of their work would have more perfect vibrations. You lack joy and inspiration in your life, but this is only because you have deprived yourself of what is good by refusing to cooperate with the Divine world. All great works in any kind of art have always been inspired from above, and the person who has created them has simply allowed the Higher virtues to create through him. That is how all the best works of art have been created. Nobody, beloved, has taken away from you the right of cooperation with God and the Divine energies. Elementals, as beings that sustain forms, and angels, as representatives of the Higher world, are always ready for cooperation and are always ready to help you. As I am. You have created unbearable conditions around you, the conditions that are impossible for any representatives of the Higher worlds to stay in. You need to break away from this vicious circle. You must surround yourselves with beautiful models in your life, with soft enchanting music, and refined forms. You need to instill a taste for beauty in the new generation of people from childhood. The sense of beauty, the knowledge of proportions, and a sense of tact in communicating not only with people but also with the representatives of the subtle world should be imbued by the new generation of people with their mother’s milk. Then, becoming adults, those people will manage to organize their living spaces in such a way that angels and elementals will always be able to stay with them. And perhaps I will be able to stay there to direct your hand in your work so it can draw a line so exquisite that it will be admired by many generations of people. Everything in your life depends on your preferences and on the energies you maintain around you. If you always wear black, mournful clothes with images of death and symbols of hell and you listen to loud music with irregular beats, then I can guarantee that within a radius of several miles around you neither elementals nor angels nor I will be able to stay. Everything is in your power, beloved. And many things do not require any expenses. Everything depends on the quality of what is around you. There are things that contain Divine vibrations and there are things that contain the opposite vibrations. You need to learn to make distinctions because the quality of what is around you will attract either beings of Light or creatures of the dark world into your life. The exquisiteness of the objects and things around you will come gradually. But your first step, and the most important step, is to call the energies of the Light before beginning any of your activities or initiatives. Probably there are people (but there are very few of them on Earth) who remember that before starting any work, it is necessary to pray. Most of humanity are deeply ignorant and rely only on their carnal muscles in all their deeds. And even worse, it happens that forces of darkness and evil spirits are summoned. Innocent souls, who are deprived of true and elementary knowledge in the field of the Divine world and do not know the power of prayer, are forced to produce repulsive models in the sphere of activity where they work. Only the call to the forces of Light that you make every day and several times a day before starting any activity (work, domestic chores, education) is able to completely change your life and fill it with Light and inner meaning after a while. It is not burdensome, beloved, and it does not cost anything. Only your wish is needed. I fully understand that many people, exposed to constant pressure from non-divine manifestations in your world, constantly experience depressed states of consciousness. This is natural and a matter of course. However, you should make yourself move; you should pull yourself out of the swamp of your world, and gradually fill your world with more and more perfect models and manifestations. You need the Renaissance. Your souls are craving for beauty. They are tired of the ugliness and disharmony of your world. Fill the space around you with perfect models; do everything that is in your power. After all, you can take the models of the past that have stood the test of time, and you can reproduce the pictures and statuettes from the Renaissance times. Use your wits. Only beauty, only perfect Divine models, can pull human consciousness out of the quagmire. The perfect vibrations of Divine models influence the entire space. Divine models in any kind of art as well as an icon full of prayerful energy can protect the space. I offer you my help in transforming the space around you. Contact me: "In the name of I AM THAT I AM, Elohim Apollo, I am asking you to take the space around me under your own control and to fill it only with Divine manifestations wherever I am: at home and at work, or in public places." Wherever I can manifest my presence, I will fulfill your appeal to me. Thus, beauty and Divine models in every sphere of human activity is what you need now! I AM Elohim Apollo. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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