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![]() I have come to warn you that not everything is right on EarthElohim Hercules I AM Elohim Hercules. I AM a powerful Elohim of God. You may have heard some things about me in ancient myths and legends. But all the myths require keys in order to be deciphered and understood. The myths should not be repeated blindly. It is necessary to see what lies behind these myths. And it is not always that behind the myths are the events that took place on Earth. More often they describe the events that took place in the Higher planes of existence. I AM serving on the ray of the Will of God. Power is my main quality — power and devotion to the Will of God. I am also responsible for the world of form so that the world of form continues its existence until the time that is specified, but only the Higher Masters and I know about it. It may seem strange to you why I came to visit you today. I came to you today in order to warn you that not everything is right on Earth. Humankind continues rocking the boat with inconsiderate actions, thoughts, and feelings. There are especially many inconsiderate things at the end of the year when people celebrate the New Year. I have to tell you that it takes only several days of such a celebration to create the same amount of karma that is created during the rest of the year. Therefore, before celebrating, think about which form is more suitable for you to do. Probably, it is better to change the traditional holiday concept of indispensable and uncontrollable drinking and gluttony. If I had not kept the balance on the planet with all my might and power, the planet would have been broken into pieces long ago, like a walnut crushed under a huge rock. At present, the karma of humankind can destroy the planet in a fraction of a second. It seems strange to you that I am so frank and talk about such terrible things. You think that I want to intimidate you or strike fear into you. No, that’s not something I am interested in. My only wish is to bring reason to the negligent children incarnated on planet Earth and to share with you the information about how much Divine Energy humankind owes to the cosmic bank. Every year at this difficult time of year, the Karmic Board receives Divine Energy as a credit on the Great Central Sun so that the evolutions of planet Earth can have a platform on which they will be able to evolve. Each time we manage to convince the Higher Council of the Universe to provide energy. However, I know examples of other planets that when the moment came, the release of Divine energy for the maintenance of the physical platform was stopped. The planet was broken into pieces in a few seconds. The belt of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter is the memorial of the imprudent civilizations of a destroyed planet. Some of the representatives of this planet found shelter on Earth. And they, some of them, continue doing the same things, apparently believing in their immortality and impunity. As an Elohim, I will do everything that I can for the maintenance and wholeness of the physical layer of planet Earth. However, I am unconditionally accountable to the High Council. You, the humankind of Earth, continue your evolution thanks to the unlimited grace of Heavens. And if I were you, I would thank the Heavens 24 hours a day in all your temples for all the time remaining until the New Year. If you prayed and meditated at least 10 percent of the time that you spend on entertainment, the Karmic Board would have arguments for the Central Sun. However, this is not done. Do think about it. Are there at least 10 righteous people among those who inhabit your cities? Are they capable of staying alone and having a prayer vigil for the benefit of the evolution of the Earth and for their salvation? I come very rarely. And I am not wordy at all. It seems to me that I have already mentioned everything that is necessary. I AM Hercules. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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