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![]() The important thing is your ability to maintain your devotion to the Will of GodMaster Hilarion I AM Hilarion. You know me. I serve on the Ray of Truth, Healing, and Divine Knowledge. Truth, the Divine Truth, as it is represented to you now and as it was represented to previous generations of people, is still the same Divine Truth, but you must admit that each time it appears in a new way. Moreover, each person has his own truth. And even when you talk about the same subject and think that you understand each other, after a while it appears that you were talking about different things. Sometimes people speak the same language, using the words they understand, but they do not understand each other. All this proves is that each person is at his own level of cognition of the Divine Truth, and no matter how hard he tries to see this Truth from a different level of cognition, he is unlikely to succeed. Therefore, we come again and again, and every time we try to give you a small part of the Divine Truth so that each of you can understand something for yourself and apply it in your life. We tirelessly come, and time after time we give the knowledge that seemingly has already been given, but each time there are few people who discover something new. And even for the sake of these few people, we come and give the knowledge because the Truth that becomes accessible in the consciousness of several people can take hold of the world through their consciousness in the course of time. Some time will pass and nobody will be surprised by the knowledge that was alarming and uncertain for the majority until recently. An example is the fact known to everybody since their school days that the earth is round and it revolves around the sun. But just a few hundred years ago, people were burned at the stake for that seditious thought, as it seemed to be at that time. Now the time has changed and people are not burned at the stake. But there are many other ways that society tries to get rid of annoying philosophers who proclaim well-known Truths and who require these truths be realized in life with too much zeal. There are so many people who do not accept most simple truths, the truths that people do not doubt, such as Love thy neighbor as thyself, or Do not wish evil to your neighbor, Do not envy, Do not steal, Do not commit adultery, and Do not kill! It seems that these truths should not raise doubts. However, everything that takes place in the life around you, everything that is covered by your mass media, is just a reflection of the facts that are contrary to these truths. It turns out that these truths exist by themselves, and human society lives by itself according to its laws and at its own discretion. Do you think the existence of these double standards in the form of thoughts and actions correspond to the Will of God? If it does not correspond to the Will of God, then sooner or later there will be an end to this state of affairs because the universe evolves in accordance with the Will of God. Look at the Middle Ages. Many people were burned at the stake and tortured. Now you think it is not humane and it is the manifestation of ignorance. However, look at the history of the 20th century. Recall the concentration camps in Germany, and remember the mass repressions in Russia. Recall the First and Second World Wars. Millions of people were the victims of these manifestations of human ignorance. Humanity, for the most part, remains just as ignorant as it was in the Middle Ages. There are individuals who keep their inner standards of behavior and their way of thinking at the Divine level, and there are individuals who openly ridicule God and Faith. How can these people exist in the same cities? How can they live in the same house? How can this be coordinated with the Divine principles that the Masters speak about? Indeed, it is a very dark period on Earth now. And this time is necessary and natural because it is exactly now that the process of separating the wheat from the chaff is taking place. Everyone has the opportunity to manifest his or her inner essence, and everyone consciously makes his or her choices. There are very few chosen ones who are able to keep the Divine standards of behavior because of emotional and mental pressure from other people and from the mass media. This is the return of the Middle Ages. This is a massive decline of morals and culture. Just as a plant seed is able to give life to a new plant, so too among human individuals a very small percentage will be able to continue their evolution, passing through the grinder of mass consciousness. You pass your tests and trials without leaving your ordinary life. And your Path of Initiation takes place in the usual life around you. Think this over. And also think about the fact that it is not important that all is bad around you, and it is as if the whole world has gone mad. The only important thing is what takes place within your being. The important thing is your ability to withstand these unfavorable conditions, your ability to keep the Divine guidelines in your behavior, and your ability to maintain your devotion to the Will of God. A great battle is raging on Earth. If earlier it was possible to take refuge from a battle in another country, in the mountains, or in the forests, now the entire Earth is in flames in which some souls are irretrievably burned and some souls are melted into pure gold and become immortal. I have not given you very comforting things today. Yet, I have described everything as it really is, having omitted some details that are not for you to know. Therefore, beloved, I will be glad if this Message of mine will be a helping hand and support because for all the seemingly sorrowful tone, there is a joyful note in my Message. This is your immortality that many of you must gain by the end of your current incarnation. I AM Hilarion. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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