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![]() A Teaching on changes in the worldLord Maitreya I AM Maitreya, having come to you this day! I am so happy to feel the vibrations of the physical plane again and so delighted anticipating our talk this day. I have been looking forward to coming and talking. And I have come. My Teaching will not be very tiring for you. I have come to give you an understanding of my coming. Do you realize how much our vibrations differ? Do you realize that it is impossible for me to come into your world now? You are living in your world, and this world is native for you. Everything in this world has been adjusted to your staying in it. Things are different for me. If you suggest, for instance, that I come into your world, in what way do you suppose I will perceive the surroundings all around you: the smell of exhaust gas, traffic noise, sounds called music in your world, and tobacco fumes? Do you think it is normal when Masters are able to come into your surroundings? Well, I have come to dispel these delusions of yours. No Master will ever be able to come into this world while it stays in the condition that it is in now. The difficulty lies in transfiguring your world as quickly as possible into a state when it will become possible for the Masters to stay in it. Until then, we are forced to use the services of interpreters who, similar to our Messenger, convey a sense of the knowledge that we are trying to bring to you. It looks so simple to change this world, for it to acquire features of the Divine world so that the Ascended Masters can stay in it. Very little is required from you. But, no. Your consciousness has gotten so stiff that it does not want to be subjected to the least changes. Imagine that from now on you will have to turn away from customs and habits that you got used to: from smoking, listening to non-divine music, watching television. Imagine that you have to stop from censure, envy, hatred and malice. Do you think it is real to expect this? The same reality is to expect me to stay in this world at present time. Along with other Ascended Masters, I hope very much in my heart that by our mutual efforts we will change the physical plane of the planet Earth. You cannot live any longer in the surroundings you are in now. It is not appropriate for the Divine human being. You should apply your efforts to change your vibrations, your level of consciousness. The first step you can take in this direction is realizing that everything around you should be changed, and everything around you should be changed with your help. The main point is to change the most complicated thing: your consciousness. Your mind is so dodgy that sometimes one is amazed with the number of justifications, reasons, and tricks it makes up just to not stop doing the seemingly smallest habit. Try to give up smoking right now. Well? Can you try right now to stop the traditional television watching? Each of you holds on to many nice, innocent attachments, and it is more difficult for you to turn away from them than to move the largest mountain in the world from one place to another. It is simpler for you to turn back rivers or to develop cities in deserts than to turn away from at least one habit or an attachment of yours. That is why we say that the vibrations of the physical plane should be changed. It should be done, and we are doing it. If we wait until you are able to change your consciousness and your way of life, I am afraid I will never see this time. Your sleep in the matter is too sound, and your awakening for a new life is too hard for you. I would not like to speak about sad things. I would like to share good news, and I have it. It concerns our plans for the planet Earth. These plans are so grandiose that you may not even believe that they will be completed in the nearest future. You are absorbed in severe karmic situations and see nothing but just a little bit higher than your habitual visual angle. It is quite natural. At the time when the vibrations of the entire physical plane of the planet Earth begin to rise, your bodies start turning toward your surroundings. In this process of raising the vibrations of your physical body and thinner bodies, all karmic garbage that has accumulated there for millions of years begins to fall out from your bodies. You can’t be envied. That is why I have come to explain what is happening to you and to other people around you. If you know the reason for what is going on, it is easier for you to prepare to accept the situation. You can’t change anything beyond yourself, but you can change your attitude toward what is happening to you and other people and what is happening in external circumstances. I am glad that I have managed to bring to you some provisions of the Teaching about changes in your world. I believe that for many of you my explanations will provide an opportunity for a deliberate approach to external and internal circumstances in your lives. I would be extremely delighted if as many people as possible got access to this information and the Teaching given by us. If you realize what is happening, then you can use means that will help you to make a transition in your conciseness as easily and painlessly as possible. These means are widely known. They include proper nourishment, a proper way of life, cleanliness of thoughts and feelings, listening to proper music, and surely, prayer practices and meditations. When you appeal for help to Higher powers, Higher worlds, or Ascended Masters, you receive all of the help necessary for you. The degree of providing help to you depends only on your aspiring, your motive, and the cleanliness of your heart. Heavens always provide help. Even when you think that everything is hopeless, there always exists a possibility of solving the problem in the Divine way. You must just believe that and pay with your efforts for solving the problem. We provide an opportunity and energy, and it is up to you to use this opportunity and energy provided according to the intended use. This is the way our cooperation will be implemented. I am sorry to part with you. See you again. I AM Maitreya. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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