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![]() You are able to do much more than you do nowMaster Hilarion I AM Hilarion, having come to you again to give instructions for today. I have come to give a short Teaching, and this Teaching is related to how you should treat everything that is happening around you and everything that surrounds you. As you have probably noted, everything around you is changing, and this is becoming obvious to more and more individuals. The question that arises is how you should perceive and treat all this. You notice that the changes refer to everything around you: your relatives, your friends, the situation on Earth, and the climate. As it becomes more and more obvious, many people are afraid of the changes and are awaiting the end of the world or some threatening cataclysm, or something else, terrible and inevitable. Humanity realizes subconsciously that huge, negative, collective karma has been accumulated by the entire humanity living on planet Earth. Therefore, humanity subconsciously expects that this karma must be worked off in one way or another. I can assure you that indeed, the karma that is hanging over mankind of planet Earth is enormous. This karma has never before been so heavy in the entire history of human development. This statement of mine may scare or alarm you to an even greater degree. However, I must assure you with all responsibility that a great number of highly developed beings from all over the Universe have become involved in the situation that has formed on planet Earth. And many reasonable beings are collectively trying to direct the situation on the planet in the most positive way possible. And it would be ideal if we could pass a narrow part of the path with the minimal number of human victims and losses. The situation is complicated by the fact that mankind in its majority still does not heed our warnings and does not respond to our requests. We are able to balance the situation on the planet to a certain extent. But in order for everything to be decided in a positive way, your participation is required as well as the changing of consciousness of a great number of human individuals who are incarnated on Earth now. Mostly, we direct our efforts so that it allows you to acquire awareness of the processes taking place. We make no secret of the fact that the situation has not been solved at the present moment. Therefore, we call you, those who can hear us, to take more decisive steps and actions in the physical plane. This does not mean that you have to pray 24 hours a day. This means that you yourselves must be fully aware of the Law of Karma and to convey this knowledge to as many people as possible who are able to understand it. Karma is not always related to performing concrete actions in the physical plane. Most of the karma, especially in your time, is created by thoughts and feelings. You create your karma even when you are asleep. And if you are not harmonious and not attuned to higher states before going to bed, you can find yourselves not in the best layers of the subtle world and create your karma there. Therefore, the question arises: Must you constantly watch all your thoughts and feelings? If your thoughts are pure, then the actions you will perform in the physical plane will also be in accordance with the Divine Law. Now let's consider a typical example from your life. You have a wish to get something, no matter what it is: to take hold of the object of your desires, to possess a great sum of money, to gain power or fame — there are many temptations in your world. As soon as any desire or lust resides within you, your carnal mind immediately starts looking for ways and means of getting what you wish. And you get confirmation of what you want to receive. The space obediently responds to your motive, to your inner state, and you hear what you want to hear, you see what you want to see. And none of our arguments or arguments of the people who keep consonance with us has even the slightest effect on you. So you give in to the illusion and plunge into the illusion. However, there is always an initial moment when your desire appears. When a desire is only forming, you are still able to control it because you are stronger than it. But as soon as you give in to your desire, the flow of the Divine energy that you control begins to strengthen and reinforce your wish. You are directing the Divine energy passing through you not in accordance with Divine law, and you are creating more and more karma. This karma is blinding your eyes, your desire grows bigger and bigger, and you do not control your desires and thoughts any more, but that monster that you have nurtured yourself is taking hold of you and begins to take advantage of you. Unfortunately, most people are not aware of what is happening and cannot track the moment of their wrong aspirations and the birth of their desires. In order to control yourself, your firm inner discipline is required as well as your ability to subordinate your own interests to the interests of the Masters, to the interests of Common Wealth and Good. This is what we come to teach you. This is the Teaching that we constantly give you. As soon as you attain a certain stage in your training, you begin to understand the mechanism of switching the Divine energy, and you can track your low-grade inner states of consciousness yourself to overcome them. Some time will pass and you will be able to notice how these low- grade states appear in other people. Therefore, you can teach your relatives and friends to do the same. You can tell your children and grandchildren how the Law of Karma works, and by that you can prevent the creation of new karma and teach them how, in difficult situations, they can work off their previously created karma by making right choices. You are able to do much more than you do now. We expect that you become living role models in life. Start the process of transformation from yourself. All the tools are given to you. Unfortunately, we, from our ascended state, cannot do what you can do for humanity of planet Earth. Please take the trouble to apply into practice the Teaching being given to you every day and day after day. I AM Hilarion. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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