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![]() A Teaching on the changing of consciousnessGautama Buddha I AM Gautama Buddha, having come to you this day in order to give my Message to the world. May it be good for the world, you say, and each of you gives your own meaning to these words. However, the future of the world depends on how well we will be able to coordinate our visions of this future. I would like you to think correctly about the future of your world, and when you find spare time, be alone and say a prayer in your heart. The future of planet Earth is inseparably connected with its spiritual advancement. Therefore, everything that ties you to false, non-divine manifestations must be pitilessly cut off by you, yourself. You should give careful consideration in your consciousness of every wrong, non-divine action, and only after that will you be able to aspire to the Divine patterns and manifestations. The border between the worlds is inside you. And you alone cross this border in your consciousness. This is a very delicate process, and of course, the majority of the people of Earth do not give any thought as to how the transformation of this world goes and in what way Earth passes to a higher level of energy. However, those of you who constantly read our Messages that we give through our Messenger, probably begin to realize how the changing of the world happens and in what way each of you individually can influence it. Do not think that when you strenuously consider how to stop and subdue a particular natural disaster you achieve some impressive results. You obtain much greater results when you gain victory over yourselves, over your unreal part — your ego. Every such victory that you gain is worth much more than the suppression of the most fierce hurricane because when you change your consciousness and consequently rise to another dimension of vibrations, you can influence all who are karmically connected to you: the members of your family, your acquaintances, and colleagues. You are all connected on the finer plane, and each of your victories becomes a common victory and spreads to the most distant places on the globe. There is an informational field, a collective unconscious field of humanity, and when you achieve certain results in your spiritual advancement, these results are read by the people who have vibrations close to yours in frequency, and in this way your achievements are imparted to them. Therefore, we teach you to only take care of the development of your own consciousness. Thus, we say that every one of you must bring up only one person — yourself. Of course I exaggerate a little. It is your responsibility to convey your knowledge on the physical plane in an accessible way to your children and people you know. Nevertheless, nothing can compare to the power and influence of the achievements that you make on the finer plane because the finer world is more malleable and changeable than the physical world. It is the changes happening in the finer world and not yet visible in your physical world that interest us most of all and get our attention. We keep a keen eye on your spiritual development. And every achievement of yours brings us joy and delight. This is like when you are watching your child who has finally gotten to his or her feet and is taking the first steps. We are watching you take your first steps in the right direction, and we are happy with your first achievements and successes. There are many souls who, thanks to the regular reading and rereading of our Messages from the very first one to the last, have made such progress that we are surprised by their attainments. You are capable of learning, and your accomplishments over the last several years do not cease to gladden us! So, I have come to you on this first day of the New Year to remind you about the work no one can do but you. Only you can rise to a level of consciousness where you will not need anyone outside of yourself, no adviser or teacher, because you will find your teacher in your heart. The more time you spend alone with yourself, with your teacher, the more you will be able to influence people around you. People need an example, a pattern on the physical plane, to follow so that they are able to change their consciousness and behavior. Each of you will eventually be able to become a teacher for many lost souls. Do not be embarrassed to tell children and young people that alcohol, nicotine, rock-music, and other manifestations of your world injure their souls. The young simply do not have the right patterns before them. One must not underestimate the influence that you can have on the people around you. One phrase like I don’t drink alcohol or I don’t smoke anymore said in the presence of acquaintances who respect you, is enough to instill doubt in their consciousness on the rightness of their actions and the models that they have been following all of their lives. You alone form stereotypes in your society. Change the stereotypes of your behavior. Bring Divine models into your life and you will see the results in several years. Each one of you should aim at being a good influence on every person you meet during the day. However, remember that your vibrations wield the main influence, and only after that come your words and your actions on the physical plane. Do not aim at teaching; give a teaching only when you meet a soul pining for spirituality. Give this soul a cup of cool water to quench his or her thirst. But never force anyone to drink. Even absolutely pure, holy water will not do any good if a person is not thirsty and does not wish to drink. I have been with you this day. What a pity that the time of our talk is over. Until we meet again, I AM Gautama. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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