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![]() New Divine MercyBeloved Surya I AM Surya, and I come to you again through our Messenger. I have come in order to set you once again to the perception of the information that will be given today and on the following days. You know that the situation on planet Earth escalates every time at the end of the year. This is connected with the annual cycle that the planet is going through. And every time, the last days of the year are very tense in terms of the energies that have not been transmuted and seek manifestation on the physical plane. This release of negative energies may cause the next cataclysm, or it may not if the transmutation of the major part of the negative energy on the plane of thoughts and feelings takes place. That is why it is so important to keep internal harmony and reverential awe toward the Creator at the end of the year. Are many people on planet Earth capable of it? How can we make as many people as possible think about their responsibility for the whole life on planet Earth? We come again and again in order to remind you of your responsibility, and we hope that you will manage to deliver our information to as many people as possible. Do you remember the horrible cataclysm that happened last December and took lives of hundreds of thousands of people? Can you imagine that a similar cataclysm strikes again? And how realistic is it to prevent such a cataclysm? I have come to tell you about the opportunity that Heavens are giving you on this December day. Today, before the beginning of the session of the Karmic Board, we have decided to alleviate the karma of planet Earth if only a few hundred of people spread across the world take the burden of the karma of Earth for the period until the end of this year. What is required of you, beloved? Who will take the burden of the world karma for that difficult period of time? The task that you must fulfill may seem very easy to you. However, do not delude yourself with the external simplicity of the assigned task because even the simplest actions undertaken by you will provoke such strong resistance from the side of the forces opposing us that every action of yours will be accomplished with great effort. And yet we are asking you to dedicate exactly one hour every day until the end of this year to a praying practice according to a certain method that I am about to give you now. Thus, your whole task is to reach the most harmonious possible state of your consciousness. You engage in various spiritual practices and belong to different religious groups and schools. We have taken that into account. Dedicate exactly one hour every day to the praying practice you are used to. It may be reading of prayers, Rosaries, commands, or simply a meditation. The main task that you must achieve during your praying practice is the harmonization of your inner state. You must find the state of complete harmony and oneness with God. At the end of your spiritual practice, I am asking you to do one simple thing. Imagine that your aura expands and becomes the size of a house, and then it expands more and covers your whole city, your country, and the entire globe. And every living creature that gets in the field of your aura experiences its impact. Every living being becomes filled with the state of harmony and peace that you have managed to achieve during your spiritual practice. It will be enough if only several hundred people assume that obligation and carry out our request from today until the end of this year; and I guarantee you that Earth will avoid that horrible cataclysm that happened at the end of last year. Let’s all unite our efforts in this direction together, no matter which confession or religious group you belong to. Let this simple step become the first step toward your unity on the earthly plane. I was glad to come to you today and announce the new opportunity and the new dispensation that will work during this dark time of the year. I am sure that with your help we will effortlessly overcome any inharmonious manifestations on the planet that usually develop into various cataclysms and natural disasters. The first step that I have provided to you is waiting for your efforts to be applied. Now, I would also like to give you important information that requires your immediate action. The Karmic Board session will take place at the end of this year starting December 23rd. So along with your annual letters to the Karmic Board, do not forget to present those helpful elaborations of your mind that Lord Shiva asked you about in his Dictation of November 27, 2005. The larger the number of important projects you will be able to establish during the time remaining until the end of this year, the greater the probability that the Karmic Board at their session will be able to consider your wishes and exert efforts to eliminate those karmic obstacles that may be in the way of manifesting your projects. You see, beloved, how Heavens care about you. May we hope that you as well make those efforts we are asking of you? I hope so very much. We are asking you for such a small thing; and the time that we are asking you to spare to work for the good of humankind of planet Earth is even incomparable to the time that you waste on watching television programs and meaningless chatting every day. As always, there is Common Good and well-being of the planet on one scale, and there is satisfaction of your ego’s desires on the other. Think about your choice and make a firm choice in favor of the eternal Divine reality by giving up any illusive choices within yourselves. I was glad to see you again, and I was glad to announce the new Divine Mercy to you. I AM Surya, and I have been with you today. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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