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![]() A Teaching on bridging conflictsGautama Buddha I AM Gautama Buddha, having come through our Messenger again. It is a real gratification and joy for me to observe the faces of many of you at the moment when you are reading my Dictations. A special connection is created during your attunement with me. When your vibrations rise at the time of reading our Messages and harmony sets in, the Higher world nears and literally enters your door. Constantly keep this harmony, and many problems of your society will take care of themselves. Trust me and my experience; the whole point is in the level of vibrations that humanity is able to keep up. The topic of our conversation today is how to reach an understanding between people belonging to divergent movements. This concerns not only religious movements, but also movements in politics, in different social spheres of activity, and in business. It is seldom that peace and equilibrium hold sway over people. As a rule, the interests of people clash, and this is a reason for conflicts and even wars. How to overcome the state of conflict and hostility that is inherent in your world is one of its attributes at the present time. The reason that I mentioned vibrations at the beginning of our conversation is because everything in your world is determined by the level of vibrations. And a sphere such as the interrelation between people is also determined by the level of vibrations. What is the magic word that wars and conflicts and their happy resolution depend on? It is very hard for me to explain this notion to you in the terms that you use and understand. Picture a fish that is washed ashore. It is taken out of its usual environment and experiences the most difficult moments in its life. Each of you, when you find yourself in a place with vibrations that do not match your own vibrations, is like a fish out of water. Every human is a complex system. He consists not only of a physical body but also of a less dense but still material substance. Everything is determined by the level of development of consciousness of a person. People differ from each other even at the level of DNA, at the level of their genes and chromosomes. Are you aware of these terms? So, every human carries a certain energetic component within himself. Every human has one or the other inner potential enabling him to have this or that prevailing frequency which is natural for him. For example, your body may determine the dominant frequency of vibrations. You prefer this or that food. And the food that you like and eat determines your level of vibrations to some extent. For instance, if you eat meat or if you are omnivorous, it can be said with a high level of confidence that your vibrations are pretty low. The level of your vibrations is influenced not only by food but also by your environment, clothing, and the place where you live. In effect, you live in a particular place because your vibrations more or less correspond to this place. However, your vibrations can change greatly in the course of your life. And when you decide to be a vegetarian, to give up smoking, drinking alcohol, or listening to the wrong music, then your vibrations start to alter — not overnight but little by little. And you feel uncomfortable with your former relationships. It is as if you are expelled from the team you work in. The whole point is in the vibrations. You no longer match the average vibrations of all that surrounds you, and this forces you to look for another job and other relationships. The difference in vibrations lies at the heart of any conflict. You can say that karma lies at the heart of any conflict. But your karma is linked with your level of vibrations. And a human with a high enough level of vibrations has a considerable percentage of worked-off personal karma. But there are such notions as group karma, family karma, karma of a country, and karma of a planet. And you cannot escape from working off these kinds of karma. Even if a person has reached certain results in working off his personal karma, he starts to fall out of the surrounding general vibrational background — and hence, conflicts occur yet again. They are inevitable at a certain period of human development. The vibrational difference at the subconscious level pushes you to accurately determine who is close to you by vibrations and who differs from you. If your vibrations are higher than the average, then you are pushed out of the companionship like water pushes a ball up to the surface. So, conflicts are inevitable in society. Conflicts are inevitable as long as society is at a very low vibrational level. But when the average vibrations of human society rise, it leads to accommodation in conflict situations. First, an opportunity opens up to avoid wars by means of negotiations, and then the conflicts themselves stop having too negative a destructive character. Human society has no other path except the path that you are taught by the Ascended Masters. You need not defend your beliefs by force. The time is ripe for transition onto the next level of consciousness where any conflict can be resolved by every member of society through inner work upon yourselves. If every member of society has no inner problems and no negative energy is nestled in their auras, then no external stimuli and no external enemy can even approach you. You are all pebbles lying on the shore of the ocean of the Divine Wisdom. And the incoming waves polish your auras similarly to the newly arriving cosmic cycles. A certain number of cosmic cycles will pass and your auras will be of absolutely beautiful, gentle, and clear in color. All of the shortcomings and all the imperfection can be overcome. And there is a way to solve the problems of human society. And that path is lying on the surface. Only laziness and disobedience inherent in people still make you suffer. I have been happy to give this Teaching on bridging conflicts. I AM Gautama Buddha. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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