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![]() I have come to pull your souls from the darkness that has benighted planet EarthLord Shiva I AM Shiva! I have come to you again today. It was not worth coming in order to give you the Teaching, because you do not value our Messages and our Teaching. Every time we encounter the reaction of humanity toward our efforts to establish contact and offer cooperation, we feel like dropping everything and starting from the beginning. You are not ready and do not want to make the efforts to collaborate. The illusion still holds control over your beings. Even when you try to get insight into the subject of our Teaching, you still remain more under the influence of the illusion than under our influence, which we are trying to exert on you through our Messages. You are not able to overcome the barrier that is invisibly present within you. You do not want and do not wish to take a decisive step and to overcome the illusion in your consciousness. And that is why we are facing a choice: either to leave humanity, to leave it to its own devices, or still continue our efforts and exhortations. Sometimes it seems to me that it is impossible to rouse humanity by persuasion. However, if we were to give up our control, humanity would not be able to survive on its own even for one Earth-day. You are always under the care of Higher Beings of this universe. Your civilization will be destroyed within 24 hours as soon as we stop putting energy into supporting your civilization. The whole point is that too much effort has already been spent to ensure that humanity starts taking steps in the direction of the evolution and making informed and fairly mature decisions. Those few souls who are ready to follow our directions are isolated and feel like white crows in the surrounding world. And when I think about these few, when I enjoy the richness of the spiritual experience that they have been gathering like bees over many earthly incarnations, I join the banners of the advocates for the continuation of the earthly experiment. There is always a little gold, but even though there is much more barren rock, people continue mining gold. And we will continue to allow your aura an opportunity to gain a golden glow. Amidst the noise, dirt, and dust of your cities, it is very hard to recognize those who are enlightened by the Divine Light. You are looking for God where there is no God and where He cannot be. You are looking for God among the prosperous of the world. However, we come to teach you to be discerning. God is ever present in your world; however, you should observe. Within each of you God is present. You need to observe. There are very quiet moments of goodness in your life when everything seems to die down. You hear the silence amid the noise of the city. Everything falls into silence. And at such moments God quietly comes to you. He appears from the depths of your being and extends His influence on everything around you. And if you were able to feel such moments of presence of the Divine in your world more often, then having tasted that goodness, you would forever turn away from those surrogates that your civilization offers you. It is impossible to confuse the goodness that God gives you with the surrogates that you meet everywhere in your world. I wish that you could capture those states of inner silence and tranquility in your world. And I wish that you were able to keep the memory of these states, even when everything around you is collapsing. There are true states when you abide in God. And you must strive to remain in such states. In this way, the Divine world can pour into your manifested world from inside of you. And then the imperfection of your world will gradually subside like fire that cannot find more fuel for itself. Only you yourselves make it possible for the imperfection of your world to exist. Only you yourselves direct your energy to the imperfection, and it continues to exist. Stop, wait, and think about what you are doing. Stop running around in circles like a stupid donkey after a carrot from day to day, from embodiment to embodiment. Each of you has his own carrot. For some of you it is sexual pleasures; for others it is your career that you call self-realization for some reason; for others it is narcotic substances, gambling, and entertainment. Humanity has invented many different things to obstruct the way to the only Truth — God, who dwells in the peace of your hearts. Enter the peace of your heart. And you will have the standard with which to compare the things you face in your lives. You will compare the states that arise within you when you come across the toys of your world and contrast them with this state of the Divine harmony and quietness. You need to voluntarily give up all the clutter of different things that are present in your world but are useless for you in the future world. It is very simple to cut the Gordian knot of your civilization with one blow of the trident. However, every grain of the best human achievements has to be protected and preserved. The best achievements of the human civilization considerably exceed the achievements of other systems of worlds. But as a counterweight in your world, there are so many things that make the Higher Worlds shudder and that should be committed to the cosmic fire. You are in the crucible of the cosmic furnace. The process of separating gold from waste rock is occurring within you. And the percentage of the golden souls who will transit to the Golden Age of humanity is exactly equal to the percentage of gold in the waste rock on Earth. I have come in order to pull your souls from the darkness that has benighted planet Earth. I AM Shiva! © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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