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![]() We cannot lose a single minute nowLord Surya I AM Surya. I have come today for an important talk, and I hope that our conversation today will encourage your souls to the actions and steps that are necessary at this stage. Now I would like to remind you of some things that we have already discussed in our previous Messages, but are worthy of repeating. The speech is about the attitude you have toward us, the Ascended Hosts, and the respect that you have for our Messages. Nowadays many people have imagined that they can receive our Messages. And many of them receive messages and try to publish them as widely as possible. Well, this is your right. God cannot deprive you of your free will and forbid you from acting on it. However, we can give a Teaching on the karmic responsibility for incorrectly qualifying the Divine energy. Whenever you strive to get in contact with what seems to you to be the Higher world, you should slow down a little and analyze the state of your consciousness because the state of your consciousness affects everything you do. You should also examine your motive because your motive determines the vector of your action. Both of these are very important. Every action you perform on the physical plane or on more subtle planes of thoughts and feelings is colored by you and serves the manifestation of either the forces multiplying the illusion or the forces contributing to contracting the illusion. That is why your aspiration determines on which side of the forces you are acting. For example, you are driven by mere curiosity, and you decide to play at receiving messages from the subtle plane. There is nothing wrong with this. You can experiment. But you must know and observe the safety precautions when communicating with the subtle world. You do not sit at the wheel of a modern jetliner without having passed a course of proper training and without the guidance of an experienced instructor. Why do you think that when you enter into communication with the subtle world you can do it without having undergone the training and without ascertaining that the initiative you undertake is safe? Many of you for some reason think that you can practice receiving messages from the subtle plane. And you do it, notwithstanding the many and frequent warnings that we give. I would not spend the precious Divine opportunity on giving another Message on this topic if not for those many and very frequent cases when people strive to receive messages to get in contact with the subtle world. They do this, and it seems to them that they succeed in this, but then a moment comes when they can no longer return to the initial point. They go too far in their experiments. The invisible world, the astral world with its inhabitants, captures an inexperienced soul and starts controlling and manipulating it. And you turn from an experimenter into a laboratory rat for the beings of the astral plane, who completely seize the power over your lifestream, and you no longer belong to yourself; you have to obey constant orders and commands from the entities that act through you and manipulate you. You can and should experiment. But why not start with safer exercises to change your consciousness and to purify your consciousness? And why would you not start experimenting in the sphere of distinguishing what in the reality around you corresponds to the Divine patterns and what is a manifestation of the negative, non-divine forces? Each of you sooner or later in your life faces such circumstances that start stirring you up and raise a storm of emotions in you. You encounter manifestations that make you suffer, become nervous, and act in order to protect yourselves and return to the comfort zone. Isn’t it true that many of you are constantly experiencing anxiety, fear, aggression, or depression? Why do you experience these negative states of consciousness? One of the reasons why you have these states of consciousness lies in the fact that you have consciously or unconsciously subordinated yourselves to the astral plane. And it did not even occur to you when you were engaged in your experiments on receiving messages. You subjected yourselves to the astral plane when you were consuming alcohol, nicotine, eating meat, and watching horror films, blood-and-guts thrillers, and pornographic films. All of this tied you to the astral plane, and now you have to submit to its influence and reap the fruits of your actions. You will say that the majority of people living on Earth do the things that I have listed. Yes, this is true, and the majority of people living on Earth are subject to the influence of the astral plane. I come to you in order to direct the vector of your aspiration toward more subtle and Higher worlds. I strive to direct your attention toward the Divine patterns and manifestations of the Divine world. Believe me, when you start making a distinction you will be able to orient yourselves in the vibrations of non-manifested planes of existence. And the astral plane forces will no longer have you at their beck and call; you will be able to distinguish the vibrations of everything surrounding you at the manifested and non-manifested level and to give preference to the Divine patterns, declining of your free will the low-vibrational surrogates that lead your souls by the path of death and hell. It seems to you that there is nothing terrible in some of your little weaknesses and in your indulgence to your lower instincts and habits. I am telling you that now the time has come when you have to consciously make a decision and get rid of every non-divine manifestation inside you, and as a result you will be able to get rid of the non-divine manifestations in your world because the matter obediently reflects your consciousness. I would not have devoted so much attention to these simple instructions if I saw that the instructions of the Ascended Hosts were being executed by you at least to a small degree. The majority of those who read our Messages pay no heed to the information and the keys to the safe development of humanity that we give, and this information does not bring them to any actions, neither on any level of the mind nor in the physical plane. Do realize that the time is such now that not a single minute can be lost. You have no time to postpone this work on changing yourselves, changing your consciousness. I have given you the necessary instructions. Don’t expect a miracle to come from outside. If you are not ready within yourself, then no miracle can help you. A huge amount of the Divine energy is spent on the preparation and manifestation of any miracle, and in order for a miracle to take place you should prove that you are ready for the transformation of your consciousness and do everything necessary for this transformation. And now I want to remind you of the dispensation of letters to the Karmic Board. Right now, in these days there is a meeting of the Karmic Board taking place that can consider your requests and give you the help you are asking for. However, when making a decision on rendering help, the Karmic Board is always guided by the degree of purity of your motives and the sincerity of your search for change. It is impossible to deceive God, and it is impossible to make God play by your human rules. The time has come when you must understand that all the possible deadlines have passed. I do not know what the general decision of the Great Central Sun will be, but still do not forget to ask for mercy for planet Earth in your letters. The state in which the planet is now needs the urgent intervention of the legions of Light. The balance has been disturbed and it has been disturbed not without the participation of each of you. I AM Surya. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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