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![]() Rosary“Moving along the Path”In the name of the Father and of the Mother and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen! Symbol of Creed I believe in One God - Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, The Lord’s Prayer[1] Our Father, Who art in heaven! The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit and to the Divine Mother Principles of building of the external organisationsThe Lord’s Prayer Our Father, Who art in heaven! 1. I HAVE come to talk of the ways of development of our movement and of the ways of development of the external part of the organization which is known to you as the Hierarchy of Light or the Great White Brotherhood. You are aware of the good orderliness of our actions, and you know about the hierarchic character of our structure. When our chelas turn the conversation toward the democratic principles which should be established in our external organizations, we cannot help smiling. Oh no, there is a strict subordination of the lowest to the highest. And this principle of subordination is never discussed. You may build up and develop any organization based on democratic principles. But your organization will have nothing to do with our Hierarchy. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 2. Our organizations have always been based on the principle of complete subordination of all their members to the supreme Law of this universe. And the Law of this universe implies subordination of those standing at the lower stage of evolution to those at the higher ones. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 3. It may seem to you that this assertion of my exhortation contradicts the earlier teaching given on the service of the highest to the lowest in this universe. Beloved, this is an imaginary contradiction. First you give up your ego of your own free will, take upon yourselves certain duties concerning your service, and only then are you given the necessary help. This help concerns your service, but not your expectations of what you are to get for your service. If your mind is distracted by thoughts of acquiring material values or power privileges during your service, you’d better hold aloof of our external organizations. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 4. It is not worth playing with us within your rules. In the course of time all such players understand all the burden of the karma which they create by playing at being messengers and playing at giving service to the Hierarchy and to God. Those who are sincere and disinterested in their service are helped and supported by us in all of their undertakings and aspirations which correspond to the Will of God. A person aspiring to receive personal privileges will be placed within severe conditions where he will have to make a final choice whom to serve - whether he intends to serve God or to continue service to his ego. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 5. What you are watching now in the organizations that have proclaimed themselves as our external organizations is the process of separating the grain from the weeds, both inside the organizations and in the hearts of the individuals representing them. If you wish to make God play within your rules, well, you will be granted a complete illusion that you have managed to do it. You will obtain a full external effect proving to yourself and to the people around you that you have gained many attainments on the path. But there is a great difference between the external attainments and the inner ones. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 6. No matter which ranks you appropriate, in what clothes you dress, with what knick-knacks you decorate yourselves and your places of worshipping the golden calf, this will in no way be reflected in the level of your merits, while true Christ, barefoot and dressed in simple rags, will have his merits hidden from the eyes of an ignoramus but visible to those whose eyes are open and whose ears are ready to hear the Truth. Try never to seek external and effective confirmations of the rightness of our teachings. I will tell you more. The level of human consciousness today is such that, in your opinion, the places of concentration of big masses of believers and great riches represent the irrefutable evidence of the rightness of the given religion or belief and of the support given to it by God himself, yet in reality the Divine Truth is least manifested there and the Divine aspect is least present. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 7. Christ discloses himself in a quiet conversation, among few and sincere disciples. Crowds of people gather either to gaze at the messiah or to crucify him. And for the majority of people it does not matter much whether they gaze at the real messiah Christ or at a famous pop-star. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 8. It is very sad to watch human individuals subjected to mass consciousness. The consciousness of the majority of people is so remote from the Divine that it is better for you to remain aloof from human mobs. In my heart I give birth to a plan for the New Epoch. I see beautiful flowers blossoming in the hearts of our chelas who have reached the level of consciousness of Christ. I see these flowers opening here and there on the planet. Every such Christ-like being can and must become an initial crystal-bud surrounded by more and more new co-workers. And as a result a beautiful crystal will manifest itself in the physical plane, which will become the community of the Holy Spirit, formed by our devotees who have no other aim but to serve God and the Brotherhood. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 9. You may build up your communities on external democratic principles. But let Christ always hold the supremacy in your communities and in your administration. A new stage of cooperation has come, and Christ-like beings must unite in the physical plane, first within small organizations and groups which will serve as the buds, matrices, and prototypes of the future structure of the society. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 10. You cannot change the consciousness of all the governments of the world and of all the people on Earth. But you can change your own consciousness to such an extent that it will enable you to unite with similar Christ-like ones in the communities of the Holy Spirit. I tell you that this task is coming to the fore now. Do sow within your heart a plan of an organization, formed not by millions, not by thousands, but by a few Christ-like beings who have submitted all their life to the implementing of the Will of God and to the implementing of the plans of the Hierarchy for the physical octave. Every such Christ-like being will have an inner contact with the Brotherhood. And in your external activities you will be able to be guided by those principles and exhortations which you will be given during meditations and inner communion with us. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit and to the Divine Mother Be a point between the worldsThe Lord’s Prayer Our Father, Who art in heaven! 1. Believe me, that it is only your ego and the insufficient purity of your four lower bodies, aura and chakras that prevent you from implementing our plans for the present moment. You can change your environment in accordance with the Divine pattern. But for this you must change yourselves and tune into the Brotherhood. Inside of yourself you should have a tuning-fork - a true sound, harmonious with your Higher Self and with God within you. Due to this true note you will be able to find co-workers in the physical plane, to comprehend the Divine plan for the current moment and to start acting, giving the world around you the right example for imitating and following the correct course. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 2. You must start. Do not wait for a command from outside. All the instructions and commands for what you should do and in which way to perform it will come to you from within - from your heart. You just start acting and believe that all the Ascended Hosts will help you to realize your plans. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 3. We are beginning a new stage of our movement. And it starts exactly where you are now and at that very moment when you pronounce in your hearts: ”I am ready, Lord. Take me, Lord, take my knowledge, and take my abilities. Make use of me, Lord, to implement Your plans. Here I AM, Lord. I surrender to Your Will and Your Law. There is no longer anything in me which is not from God. There is nothing separating us. We are united.” The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 4. You will make mistakes and fall down, but you must go on moving. And the success of your advancement to the Truth will correspond to the purity and sincerity of your motive. You are lonely only until you feel your unity with God within you; and through this unity you become united with everybody whose vibrations are in keeping with yours. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 5. Yes, beloved, you are few in number, but there are enough of you embodied now to start acting and to create the communities of the Holy Spirit right in the places where you are at this moment. I am sending out this impulse of integration to you from my heart. And I am patiently waiting for each of you to be ready to join the Hierarchy of Light and to become its vanguard exactly at that place where you are now. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 6. Our aim is to obtain a point of Light located between the worlds. Such a point is of unconditional importance for us. With its help we can establish our presence in your world and provide an embodied messenger with an opportunity to reach our octaves. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 7. And whatever one person has the strength to do will sooner or later be mastered by everybody. We expect you to become able to stay in the point between the worlds. Dwelling in the point between the worlds – this is the state which you should reach either during this embodiment or during one of your future embodiments. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 8. The duties of a messenger do not mean a post demanding respect and worship. The duties and the mantle of a messenger mean only an opportunity to serve more efficiently in the name of God. The mantle of a messenger allows the space vibrations to change, and we obtain an opportunity to be present and to give our messages at the point where the worlds join each other. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 9. Think over the opportunity for each of you to turn into such a point. In fact, it is just a question of your choice, your wish and your aspiration. To deserve the mantle of a messenger you will have to sacrifice much. You will have to give up everything that ties you down to this world. And if some of you wish to choose the path of apostleship[2], I will gladly teach you either directly in person or through this messenger. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 10. It’s time to part with the usual myth inherent in your world that a messenger is an exceptional person. There are certain limitations, connected with your karmic past, which can block your path to becoming our messenger, but they cannot prevent you from offering your service in a more limited way which can be very close to the service of a messenger. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit and to the Divine Mother The True and the False MessengersThe Lord’s Prayer Our Father, Who art in heaven! 1. Today I would like to give you some explanation of the question concerning the subject widely discussed in your world. It is a question of the false apostleship, false teachers and the false path. And today I am determined to clear up this question for you definitively. The question of apostleship, like any other question concerning your world, contains the same duality which is inherent in your world. Therefore, in reality there are messengers who represent the Forces of Light, the Hierarchy of the Light Forces. And there are messengers, who say that they represent the Hierarchy of the Light Forces, but at best they represent just themselves, and at worst they have really given themselves up to the disposal of those forces which can be called the forces of the dark. I prefer to call the latter the forces multiplying the illusion, i.e. the forces which at a given moment oppose themselves to the Divine plan for the given stage of evolution in this universe. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 2. What is the difference between the true and the false messengers? What should you be guided by when making a choice? This question is a very serious one, because exactly your choice of a messenger to follow determines the side on which you will find yourself at this moment of separating the weeds from the wheat. You may make it appear that you do not need to make any choice and give preference to any messenger, that you trust only God who is present within you and your Christ Self. And this will be a right stand on condition that you really have a link with God or with your Christ Self inside of you. Nevertheless, the majority of people do not have such a link and, consequently, they have to be more or less guided by the information which comes to them from outside, from the people who declared themselves as our messengers or teachers. What is the criterion and where is the difference? The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 3. First of all, a true messenger will never force you to follow or not to follow him. The task of a messenger is just to deliver the information to the physical plane and to help people orientate themselves in the sea of various religious movements and teachings. He needs neither your support nor for you to be his followers. You yourself make a decision of your free will whether or not to be guided in life by the information which comes to you through this messenger. Such qualities as disinterestedness and absence of the desire to make a name and become famous are obligatory. The only task which a messenger should carry out and which we welcome is to spread the Teaching as wide as possible by all available means. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 4. If we examine the category of messengers who have devoted themselves to service to the forces opposed to us, here you will see the exact opposite; they strive to be surrounded by followers and disciples and to use the latter in order to multiply power, control and wealth in the physical world. Since the forces opposed to us do not have their own source of energy (they preferred to be torn off the only source of energy in this universe – the Divine Energy), they need your energy in the shape of your recognition and worship, your gifts and your tithe to support their existence. Such people will use all their influence to prevent you from receiving access to communication with the Forces of Light on your own. But they are not able to teach you such a communication, because they do not possess this communication themselves. All they can do is to attach you to their egregore, formed by the energy of their followers, who grant their energy to these false messengers and false teachers. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 5. It will not be easy for you to differentiate because everything looks alike on the surface. You hear the right words. You see the correct actions. You can even experience a state of religious ecstasy. But your spiritual advance is impossible under the guidance of false teachers. At best you will mark time, at worst you can lose all the impetus of your merits. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 6. Beloved, if you have chosen a true teacher and listen to the words coming to you through our messenger, the result, the fruit, the consequence of your correct choice will tell on you not in tens of years and not in your next life, you will already feel an inner change within the next several months. Yes, there may be trials and you may fall back, as well as there may be conflicts and disagreement with your ego, with the false part of yourselves. And these disputes, these trials and this conflict may be rather painful. But you must understand that in the absence of such a conflict your false part will not be able to leave you and you will not manage to gain victory over it if you constantly pander to your ego and your wishes. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 7. Sometimes it is necessary to make a cut in order to let out the pus, and this can be painful and very unpleasant. But if you do not get rid of the pus in your organism, the inflammatory process can seize the whole organism and bring it to death. In your dual world it is not always that unpleasant things are harmful and things which provide pleasure are useful. That’s why, beloved, the gift of making distinctions is the quality which you must beg to be granted to you as a mercy in the first place. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 8. I have to touch upon another important moment. A messenger is a human who stands on the peak of a mountain. And all the lightning and hurricanes strike him in the first instance. Therefore, there are very few people who can, being in your world, hold their ground on the peak of the Divine consciousness. And many people who had passed our tests and deserved their mantles of messengers were not able to hold their consciousness at the proper level and were subsequently deprived of our mantles. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 9. Therefore, beloved, I completely understand your obstacles connected with the duality of your world and sometimes with the impossibility to obtain a true idea of these or those people, events or things. I can assure you that your Higher Self always knows the Truth. That’s why you should trust only your Higher Self, but not the external impressions, words and even deeds performed by these or those people who have declared themselves as our messengers or your teachers. False teachers and false messengers feed on your energy. Everything they can teach you is to cultivate your ego. Unfortunately, a person with a rather big ego is able to distinguish neither our vibrations nor our true messengers. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 10. But we know that sooner or later trials and situations of life will bring him to our messengers. And after all the ordeals which will fall to his lot he will be grateful to be granted an opportunity just to sit at the feet of a Guru and to listen to the words of the Truth. And his heart, hardened through suffering, will be deceived neither by the appearance of the Guru nor by the fact that the Guru is not recognized by the powers that be. Beg for the gift of making distinctions, and you will obtain what you ask for. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit and to the Divine Mother Link with the Higher Self and the Community of the Holy SpiritThe Lord’s Prayer Our Father, Who art in heaven! 1. Every moment of your dwelling in your world you can concurrently be in our world. There exists a part of your being which constantly stays in the Higher worlds. This part of your being has been keeping its link and interaction with the Higher reality during all the period of your embodiments in the physical octave. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 2. The cosmic term approaches, and your Higher part envelops itself in lower bodies and descends into the matter. In proportion as the surrounding world becomes denser, the connection between your Higher and lower parts gradually severs and becomes at first hardly distinguishable, until it disappears completely. When the materiality of your world reaches its pinnacle, you lose the link with your Higher part. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 3. Therefore, all the authentic spiritual practices which exist in your world are directed on the restoration of this inner link. When you recollect who you actually are and receive an opportunity to commune with your Higher part, you will become able to change your vibrations in accordance with your wish. You continue to stay in the physical world, and at the same time your consciousness rises to such a level that at certain moments you become able to get information and knowledge from our world. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 4. At all times many outstanding figures have been able to raise the rate of their vibrations spontaneously and involuntarily and find themselves in the higher etheric octaves while keeping their consciousness vigil. It is from these octaves that they always extracted inspiration and examples for their works of art, creative works, scientific knowledge and inventions. Every discovery has always been done by the people having certain access to our reality. Nowadays the capability of the mutual penetration of the worlds and the ability of your consciousness to penetrate into our world will be raised many times. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 5. You will receive your Holy Spirit’s gifts and will indeed obtain magic abilities. All this is waiting for you in the near future. The only thing holding you up is your attachment to the physical world and your imperfections. You should obtain an ability to discern things in you which are not from God and to give them up gradually. At first you will be able to obtain a commune with us and with your Higher part only on condition that you lead an absolutely isolated life and avoid any influence of mass culture and people liable to such influence. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 6. This resembles path-finders climbing bare cliffs of the Divine consciousness. For these path-finders their efforts and toil are titanic in truth, requiring all their strength and abilities given by God. Not many people succeed in ascending the summit of the Divine consciousness nowadays. This Path is so heavy that one can fail to hold onto the achieved height and can fall at any moment. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 7. But those who follow the path-finders will find themselves in a much easier situation. I foresee the appearance of the communities in various places on earth already in the nearest future. Such communities will consist of the people who have obtained a certain level of the Christ consciousness. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 8. These communities will become the prototypes and matrices of the future settlements and the future structure of the human society. While combining industrial duties and spiritual service, such communities will be completely independent and autonomous from the surrounding world. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 9. I foresee the establishment of absolutely new principles of state, temporal structure in the places where such communities of the Holy Spirit will form in due course. In the places with the maximum number of such communities the conditions for the advent of the Golden Age will be created. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 10. I also want to draw your attention to the fact that there cannot be an ideal community until every member of the collective fellowship reaches a certain level of individual Christhood and stops using the achievements of the communal labour and creative work for his mercenary and egoistic aims. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit and to the Divine Mother The Path to HomeThe Lord’s Prayer Our Father, Who art in heaven! 1. Thus, we see that again the same question comes to the foreground before each of you – and this is the question of your personal aspiration to perfect yourselves in God, to give up your ego and to take care about the purity of your four lower bodies. I would like to attract your attention to one vital thing. In fact, there are two paths, leading to perfecting of oneself in God. The first path lies through solitude and prayer, and it is easier. The second path runs through your work on yourself when you do not leave your usual life. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 2. Each of these paths has its advantages and drawbacks. If the only barrier hindering your start of the serious work on yourself is the environment you are in at a given place on your Path, and you automatically reject any serious steps, because you consider these outer conditions not to be suitable for doing it, I must remind you that the conditions you are in now correspond to the level of your consciousness and to the correlation between your negative and positive karma. Therefore, the starting conditions will be different for each of you. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 3. You will have to overcome all the inconveniences of your outer conditions and karmic circumstances. But you should realize that you have deserved the circumstances of your current life by your own choices in this and previous lives. And your lamenting of the bad conditions and the disharmonious environment is just a mere excuse for your ego not to do anything. But many people simply fall too low to blame God and the Masters for the circumstances of their external life directly. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 4. Therefore, the first step on your Path is your humility before the circumstances in which you start your Path and your decision to follow the Path leading you back to God irrespective of any external conditions of your life. Believe me, if you manifest aspiration and resoluteness in following the Path, you will receive all the necessary ministration. In the course of time the circumstances of your life will change towards the softer manifestation of any karmic limitations, even of the heaviest ones. And in proportion as your consciousness changes, you will receive everything necessary for your spiritual unfoldment and perfecting yourself in God. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 5. All the barriers and limitations lie inside of you. All your limitations are just the clogs of the negative energy in your four lower bodies. Imagine that your four lower bodies represent an attic where all your junk has been dumped during a few thousand years. Meanwhile, this attic has become so cluttered and dusty that now it is impossible even to enter it. The four lower bodies of the majority of people represent exactly such attics. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 6. That’s why you should make a decision one fine day to start clearing up the karmic encumbrance of your attic. Of course, you will not be able to do it in just one day and probably even in several years. But the sooner you take your decision and start acting, the faster you will have done with the dirty and tiring job of clearing up your consciousness and sub-consciousness where you have been shoving all your psychological problems with enviable persistence during the entire period of your embodiment on Earth. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 7. It is natural that when your problems emerge one after another from your sub-consciousness, you will have to make considerable efforts to overcome these problems and part with them forever. It is like taking old things out of your attic and feeling how they stir in you very painful reminiscences which give you unbearable pain at times. Nevertheless, you should be filled with steadfastness and throw away the unnecessary things - and with this become free from a part of the negative energy clogged in you. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 8. In this connection I would like to warn beforehand all those who look forward to enjoying a pleasant way of spending their time along the whole length of their Path leading Home. Do not expect an easy path. Be ready for any unexpectedness. You never know which energy will emerge from your karmic loads. Sometimes your actions will have no logical explanation for them. You will come across people to whom you will feel tempestuous but groundless feelings. Strange things will happen to you. But you should be ready for everything. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 9. You must constantly remember in your consciousness your decision to come back to God and to raise your consciousness to the level of comprehension of the Higher worlds. You should always remember that you are not alone. We vigilantly watch everybody who dares to climb the cliff of the Divine consciousness and, in the last resort, we will always give you a hand in a crucial situation. If your motives are pure, you have nothing to be scared of. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 10. The purity of your aspirations shrouds you in an invulnerable defence of the Light. Each of us passed the same Path during our stay on earth. The Path has been verified. Therefore, do get ready to set out and take a daring step on the Path. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit and to the Divine Mother In the name of the Father and of the Mother and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen! [1] The most important thing while praying the Rosaries, just as any other prayers, is your complete devotion to the Will of God, the achieving of that prayerful state of consciousness, which allows you to forget about yourself, to dissolve in God. If the Orthodox variant of the prayer “The Hail Mary” impedes your consciousness from being concentrated on God, please use the variant of the prayer, which is the most acceptable to your consciousness. [2] Apostleship is a mission of being a messenger. |
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