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Short Rosary (composed form the book “Agni Yoga. Community”) AUM TAT SAT.[1] AUM We are dissipating superstition, ignorance and fear. We are forging courage, will and knowledge.
Every striving toward enlightenment is welcome. Every prejudice, caused by ignorance, is exposed. Thou who dost toil, are not alive in thy consciousness the roots of cooperation and community? If this flame has already illumined thy brain, adopt the signs of the Teaching of Our mountains. Thou who dost labor, do not become wearied puzzling over certain expressions. Every line is the highest measure of simplicity. Greeting to workers and seekers! AUM TAT SAT. AUM 1. Family, clan, country, union of nations—each unit strives toward peace, toward betterment of life. Each unit of cooperation and communal life needs perfecting. No one can fix the limits of evolution. By this line of reasoning a worker becomes a creator. Let us not be frightened by the problems of creativeness. Let us find for science unencumbered paths. Thus, thought about perfectionment will be a sign of joy. (1)[2] AUM 2. Depression is the enemy of each improvement. There can be no constructive building in doubt. There will be no learning under fear. Observation is a step toward justice. Selfhood is betrayal of self-renunciation. Without achievement there is no path. (2) AUM 3. Monasteries are often called communities. The communal life has long been a sign of cooperation and of mutual respect. So too each workshop can be a cell of a community in which everybody contributes his skill. Altruism is a requisite if one is to devote one's talent to the common work. (3) AUM 4. Unity is pointed out in all beliefs as the sole bulwark of success. Better attainments can be affirmed if the unity of coworkers is assured. One may cite a great number of examples when mutual trust among the coworkers helped in lofty solutions. Let people, from home and hearth up to the special preordinations, remember about the value of cooperation. The seed of labor withers without the moisture of reciprocity. Let us not look backward too much. We hastening fellow-travelers shall become weary if we jostle each other. We shall realize a beautiful meaning if we can introduce the great concept—friend. Community may consist only of friends. (4) AUM 5. The path of life is one of mutual help. Participants in the great task cannot be humanity-haters. This term denoting a shameful hatred is a long one. But perhaps people will the better remember it and be ashamed. (5) AUM 6. Also let us not forget that realization is simplified through clear consciousness. But let us not lose the shortest Path. Time is precious. We should not deprive anyone because of our sluggishness. Laziness and ignorance sleep in the same cradle. (6) AUM 7. Malice admits leprosy and pestilence. Malice can transform a peaceful fireside into a swarm of snakes. Qualities of malice are not befitting the community. The common task is General Welfare. (7) AUM 8. Cooperation must be based upon sound rules. This teaches orderliness; that is, it helps the acquirement of a rhythm. Thus even in daily work are expressed the great laws of the Universe. It is especially needed to become accustomed from childhood to continuous labor. Let the better evolution be built upon labor as the measure of value. (8) AUM 9. And another absolute condition must be fulfilled. Labor must be voluntary. Cooperation must be voluntary. Community must be voluntary. Labor must not be enslaved by force. The condition of voluntary agreement must be laid into the foundation of advancement. No one may bring dissolution into the new house. Workers, builders, creators, can be likened to high-soaring eagles. Only in a broad flight does the dust and rubbish of decay fall away. (9) AUM 10. A lofty quality will enter into pure labor through love of a favorite craft. A beautiful quality will be affirmed throughout life. Nothing will remain in darkness. Ignorance will be a shameful offence. Darkness is infectious but Light is attractive. Hence, let us affirm the love of a favorite craft, which uplifts the life. Science should indicate the best quality. Science should attract the strongest energies. Let the knowledge of the spirit shine over every workbench. (10) AUM AUM TAT SAT. AUM [1] AUM TAT SAT – a mantra, mentioned in “Bhagavad-Gita” as used by the “disciples of Brahman” at the beginning of different events and actions. “TAT” (“To”), directing towards Brahman, reminds the disciple of the higher motives and thus, helps him to get rid of everything that is undignified.” SAT” (“creation”, “a creature”) reminds him of the Good, penetrating into everything existing and thus, illuminates and ennobles this which the disciple is doing. Encyclopaedia Esoterism - http://slovari.yandex.ru/dict/esoterism Aum (Sanskrit) or OM. The ancient Indians held that Om was the symbol of the Supreme; when written with three letters -- Aum -- it stood among other things for the three divisions of the universe, and the deities of the Hindu Trimurti -- Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva -- concerned in the creation, preservation, and destruction of the universe or the beings composing it. "The mystic formula, resume of every science, contained in the three mysterious letters, AUM which signify creation, conservation, and transformation" (IU 2:31). This word is said to have a morally spiritualizing effect if pronounced during meditation and when the mind is at peace and cleansed of all impurities. In Brahmanical literature, a syllable of invocation, considered very holy: "Om is the bow, the Self is the arrow, Brahman is called its aim" (Mandukya Upanishad 2:2). It is placed at the beginning of scriptures considered of unusual sanctity. "Prolonging the uttering of this word, both of the O and the M, with the mouth closed, it reechoes in and arouses vibration in the skull, and affects, if the aspirations be pure, the different nervous centers of the body for great good" (Fund 28). The virtue or spiritual and magical properties attributed to this word, however, arise out of the purity and devotion of the one uttering it. Tat, Tad (Sanskrit) That; used by Vedic and archaic Hindu writers to describe the unutterable Principle or boundless All, from which all in a universe springs, in contrast to idam (this), the manifested universe. The old sages would ask their disciples, "Kas twam asi?" (who are you?); and then would tell them, "Tat twam asi" (That [the Boundless] you are). The ancient wisdom teaches as one of its fundamental postulates, that we are inseparable parts of the universe, and therefore we have all within us, whether active or latent, that the universe contains. Sat (Sanskrit) [from the verbal root as to be] Being; the real, the enduring fundamental essence of the world, "for Sat is in itself neither the 'existent,' nor 'being.' Sat is the immutable, the ever present, changeless and eternal root, from and through which all proceeds. Sat is not Being, but Be-ness, since whatever is manifested is something phenomenal, not ever-lasting. In the Vedanta, used as the self-existent or universal spirit. The Theosophical Dictionary Om Tat Sat is a mantra in Sanskrit that is translated to mean the 'Supreme Absolute Truth' - literally 'all that is'.
Wikipedia [2] The number of the paragraph, taken from the book “Agni Yoga. Community”, has been indicated in circle brackets after each paragraph. |
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