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Short Rosary (composed from the book “Agni Yoga. Community”) AUM TAT SAT. AUM We are dissipating superstition, ignorance and fear. We are forging courage, will and knowledge.
Every striving toward enlightenment is welcome. Every prejudice, caused by ignorance, is exposed. Thou who dost toil, are not alive in thy consciousness the roots of cooperation and community? If this flame has already illumined thy brain, adopt the signs of the Teaching of Our mountains. Thou who dost labor, do not become wearied puzzling over certain expressions. Every line is the highest measure of simplicity. Greeting to workers and seekers! AUM TAT SAT. AUM 1. It is necessary to guide the education of a people from the initial instruction of children, from as early an age as possible. The earlier, the better. You may be sure that overfatigue of the brain occurs only from awkwardness. (102)[1] AUM 2. The mother approaching the cradle of her child utters the first formula of instruction: "You can do everything." Prohibitions are not needed; even the harmful should not be prohibited. It is better instead to turn the attention simply to the more useful and the more attractive. (102) AUM 3. That tutorage will be best which can enhance the attractiveness of the good. Besides, it is not necessary to mutilate beautiful Images for the sake of an imagined childish non-understanding; do not humiliate the children. Firmly remember that true science is always appealing, brief, precise and beautiful. (102) AUM 4. It is necessary that families possess at least an embryo of understanding of education. After the age of seven years much has been already lost. Usually after the age of three years the organism is full of receptivity. During the first step the hand of the guide must already turn the attention to, and indicate, the far-off worlds. Infinity must be sensed by the young eye. Precisely, the eye must become accustomed to admitting Infinity. (102) AUM 5. It is also necessary that the word express the precise thought. One must expel falsehood, coarseness and mockery. Treason, even in embryo, is inadmissible. Work "as grown-ups" is to be encouraged. (102) AUM 6. After its third year the consciousness easily grasps the idea of the community. What a mistake to think that one must give a child its own things! A child can easily understand that things may be held in common. (102) AUM 7. The assertion "I can do anything" is not idle boasting but only the realization of an apparatus. The most wretched being can find the current to Infinity; for each labor, of quality, opens the locks. (102) AUM 8. From the very first lessons let pupils rejoice at the wonders of life. Likewise let them apprehend how to make use of flights and of clairaudience. Thus, clairaudience will be a natural condition. (114) AUM 9. Likewise the Subtle World will be studied, along with subtle energies. There will be no dividing line between physical and metaphysical, for all exists—which means that everything is perceptible and cognizable. And so, superstitions and prejudices will be shattered. (114) AUM 10. Shield children from everything false; guard them against worthless music; protect them from obscenity; protect them from false competitions; protect them from affirmation of selfhood. The more so, since it is necessary to inculcate a love for incessant learning. The muscles must not gain the upper hand over mind and heart. What sort of heart takes a liking to blows of the fist? (116) AUM AUM TAT SAT. AUM [1] The number of the paragraph, taken from the book “Agni Yoga. Community”, has been indicated in circle brackets after each paragraph. |
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